The Forum agenda “Keeping the dialogue open”
This agenda for Decentralized Cooperation Romania Belgium is a plan for action for decentralized cooperation between Romania and Belgium. Partners will do efforts to implement this agenda. The purpose of the agenda is to strengthen, to reinforce, to renew and to deepen the dialogue between (existing) decentralized cooperation initiatives.
General Management Implementation DF 2015 DF 2017 Communication, Dissemination, Policy briefing, Funding Flagship 1 – Health CareFlagship 2 – Twinning 2.0 Flagship 3 – Rural DevelopmentFlagship 4 – Civil Society Flagship 6 – Social EconomyFlagship 5 – Fire Brigades Flagship 8 – Culture and heritageFlagship 7 – Business
Flagship 1 – Health Care - Social map including health risk factors. - Installing local renting services revalidation materials. - 1 assistant (nurse)/1.000 inhabitants. - Developing home care and community nurses. - Recommunicate collected data on health indicators to local actors in order to take measurements. - Health and healthcare as a key point in local policy. - Develop a local health policy plan.- label healthy commune - Combining medical and social (if medical problem, mostly also social problem). - Prevention and health promotion. - Staffing caretakers: digital / administrative / … - Masterplan TON Conference on Romanian health and healthcare in 2016.
Flagship Twinning 2.0 -Formal meeting between VVSG, UCVW, AMR, AOR, Acor, UNCJR, Belgian provinces in Development of new approach towards twinning between actors. Based on common needs (f.ex. industry) -Parliamentary group of friendship Romania Belgium: new initiatives -Exchange between local and regional public servants from both countries -Looking for twinning initiative with County Council Iasi -Follow-up of Spring meeting Flanders Romania about the new cooperation agreement
Flagship 3 – Rural Development -Facilitating the communication towards local farmers about possible European funding -Connecting Local Action Groups from both countries -Developement of models and instruments to set up local/interlocal agriculture organizations -Water4Life as pilot project -Sensibilization about waste management
Flagship 4 – Civil Society -Development of working methods and instruments -Integrating new forms of organizations (formal, informal, flexible, temporary) -Pathways from local movements towards local policy influencing -Setting up a solidarity action victims fire in club from last week
Flagship 5 – Fire Brigades - Commitment to write an Erasmus+ project in order to exchange information, knowledge and experience. Basic idea is to develop a “train the trainer” project.
Flagship 6 – Social Economy -Connecting the research of university Cluj about labour market / human ressources and ReInvest project about social investments -Creation of a Platform Social Economy Romania – Belgium in order to exchange information and to develop policy briefings
Flagship 7 – Business - Creation of a digital meeting point between BE-RO companies and BE-RO civil society organizations in order to connect competences and skills between both domains
Flagship 8 – Culture and heritage -Promotion of publication 175 years diplomatic relations between Belgium and Romania -Based on this publication, development of accessible general public events
General management -Looking for a structural structure to implement the agenda -Looking for funding -Improvement of website -Next 2 forums: (Belgium) in context of 10 years accession of Romania in the EU (Romania) in context of European Presidency by Romania, July-December 2019
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