Organic Synthesis Reverse Synthesis
Always begin with the desired compound Deconstruct your desired compound using the organic synthesis flowchart word analysis Begin by using a word analysis of the reverse synthesis word analysis Above each word of the word analysis draw a structure that matches the words Complete each structure such that they correspond the previous compounds structure
Synthesis Flowchart
Example Show one synthesis pathway that will produce ethanoic acid beginning with an alkene or alkyl halide Step 1: Draw structure of product and identify the functional groups present. carboxylic acid
Step 2: Prepare a word analysis by asking: “What comes before the current functional group on the synthesis flow chart. Carboxylic Acid Aldehyde 1 o AlcoholAlkene Step 3: Draw the correct structures above each word in the word analysis. Carboxylic Acid Aldehyde 1 o AlcoholAlkene
Step 4: Complete the synthesis by adding reagents/conditions and name compounds. +H2O+H2O [O * ] ethanoic acidethanalethanolethene How does the synthesis differ if it begins with an alkyl halide?
Example Propose a synthesis pathway for the production of hexanamide. amide carboxylic acid aldehydealcoholalkyl halide amine + H2O+H2O+ [O * ]