OSCE Dr. Shama Mashhood
2 Objectives At the end of the session, participants will be able to: Enumerate the reasons for use of OSCE Explain the process of OSCE test
3 What is an OSCE? Objective Structured Clinical Examination
4 OSCEs - Objective All the candidates are presented with the same test
5 OSCEs - Structured The marking scheme for each station is structured
6 OSCEs – Clinical Examination Test of performance of clinical skills: not a test of knowledge Specific skill modalities are tested at each station History taking Communication skills Clinical examination Procedures
7 Why use OSCEs in clinical assessment? Each student has to perform the same task Fairer test of candidate’s clinical abilities Structured interaction between examiner and student Structured marking schedule Improved reliability
9 Tasks to do ahead: Create blue print Set timeline Get authors for a case writing workshop ? Review and finalize cases Arrange workshop for standard setting ? Recruit standardized patients Recruit faculty members as examiners
10 Train standardize patients print marking sheets, make signs List all supplies for set up of a OSCE Remind everyone of date Make sure students have all the information Plans for examination day
11 SUMMARY OSCE Why Use OSCE Process of OSCE test
12 ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?