Agenda zSection assignment project zConstructing analytical idea units: paragraphing, transitions, and support zConstructing an analysis: working with the Computer Use Case zIntroduction to portfolios
Section assignment: Japanese-American exchange z Start date: October 12 z End date: November 30 z What is the project about? z What are the key requirements? z What are the key objectives?
Section assignment: Japanese-American exchange zMeet briefly with your group members (5-10 minutes) zRead the assignment materials zDetermine basic group roles and processes (Where and when will you meet? Will you meet physically at all? Will you have a group leader? How will you divide the work?)
Paragraphs as idea units Idea unit = idea + support
How do you connect ideas to support? zTransitions can be yLinguistic (in the language) yLogical (in the way you organize or explain) yBoth
Logical transitions z Organizational sequence yMost to least important yMost recent to least recent yOther clear ways of showing progression z Reasonable explanation yConnection of ideas yRelationships among ideas z Repeated words, phrases, and concepts
Impact of transitions zToday is Tuesday. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Yesterday was Monday. In a six weeks it will be Thanksgiving Break. z Because today is Tuesday, yesterday was Sunday. In addition, tomorrow is Friday. Given this progression of time, in three weeks it will be Spring Break.
Impact of transitions exercise zRead the sentences in the exercise zPut them in order (1=first, 2=second, and so on) to make a coherent paragraph
Support for idea units zSupport must be yClear yUnambiguous yReader-focused yLogically interpreted yFocused on a single idea
Support for idea units zRead the two sample paragraphs zAnswer these questions: yWhat is the main idea of each idea unit? yWhat kinds of support are used in each? yHow effective is each idea unit? (Why? What would you change?)
Support for idea units z Read the four sample paragraphs z Rank them in terms of their effectiveness as idea units (1=best, 4=worst) z What problems with idea or support can you find in each one?
Constructing an analysis: Computer Use Case zRead the case zIn a small group, discuss yWhat data from the case would be most useful? (Be specific) yWhat inferences must you make (and explain) to complete the assignment? yHow will you organize your memo? (Key points, order of points, etc.)
Portfolios z What overall impression do you have of your portfolio writing? z If you were critiquing yourself, what one area would you say you need the most work on? z Did writing the portfolios last year impact your writing? (How?)
Portfolios and writing assessment zWhy learn about writing assessment? zIt will help you to: yUnderstand how your portfolios were judged and scored, so the numerical score means something to you yDevelop a shared set of criteria for evaluating writing for class discussion yAnalyze your own writing from a variety of perspectives yUse evaluation tools as a framework for business communication
Assignment zWrite a draft of the Computer Use Case assignment zRead EBC Ch. 3 zBring your portfolios on Thursday!