Skinted or Minted Learning Objective: What does your payslip mean? How can you budget your money?
What is your attitude to money? Around the room are 6 celebrity quotes on their view of money. Stand next to the quote that you most agree with.
What is your attitude to money? Why did you choose this quote? What do you think influences your attitude to money? Does celebrity culture influence your idea of money?
Why do we learn about money? Why are we learning about money? Is it important? Who should teach you about money? What would happen if you don’t learn about money? Are schools responsible?
Saturday Job! You are 17 and have just got yourself a Saturday job working at John Lewis. It is the end of the month and you are about to receive your first pay slip... So what does it all mean? Use the information around the room to help you.
More are you going to spend it? What are some of the things you think you will be spending your money on when you are 17? OR what might you be saving for? In groups, mind map some ideas and be ready to feedback to the class.
Manage Your Money How not to do it!!!
Manage Your Money You are going to create a budgeting plan for your money for each month. Decide how much money you want to spend on each thing and there is room for you to add some ideas of your own. You might need to do some research into how much things like driving lessons and car insurance is first.
Top 5 Tips At the end of each of our money lessons you will need to come up with 5 top money tips to give to Neil, who has also just started his Saturday job. At the end of the series of lessons the class will vote on the best ones. So what are your 5 top tips for budgeting your Saturday job wages?
Extension Activity ‘It isn’t important to save your wages. It is just important to enjoy the money you have worked hard for.’ Do you agree or disagree? Write a reflection in your books.