APEC EGEE&C REPORT TO EWG 49 Co-Chair of EGEE&C: Li Pengcheng 2015-06-22.


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Presentation transcript:

APEC EGEE&C REPORT TO EWG 49 Co-Chair of EGEE&C: Li Pengcheng

M EETINGS AND EVENTS The 45th Meeting of the APEC Expert Group on Energy Efficiency & Conservation (EGEE&C 45) was held on March 2015 in Singapore It was attended by: Brunei, China, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Mexico, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, and US Observers: APEC Secretariat, APERC, CLASP, ICA, UL Events held alongside EGEE&C 45: APERC´s Energy Efficiency Policy Workshop focusing on financing policy Workshop relating the APEC project EWG A on the Design and Effectiveness of Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Labeling Schemes A site visit to Singapore District Cooling plant

L EADERSHIP Mr. Terry Collins (NZ), the longstanding Chair of EGEE&C stepped down from the role at the end of EGEE&C 45. The groups would like to acknowledge Mr. Terry Collins and New Zealand for his outstanding leadership during his 7-year tenure as the Chair of EGEE&C Mr. Li Pengcheng (PRC) from China National Institute of Standardization has taken the role of Co-Chair of the group during EGEEC 45 in Singapore. Ms. Laura Christen (NZ) is continuing to provide secretariat support to the EGEEC, but New Zealand is seeking to hand over the secretariat duties The group is seeking support with both the chairing role (a Co-Chair to work with China) and the EGEE&C secretariat services

P ROJECTS - O NGOING AND RECENTLY COMPLETED EWG A – Nearly (Net) Zero Energy Building (China) The completed project looked at advances in net zero energy buildings (NZEB) in Korea, Japan, Canada, China and the US. The project identified NZEB definitions, policies, pathways, professional networks, and pilot projects (including a demonstration building in Beijing, China). It included two well-attended workshops to share expertise and promote NZEB practices. EWG A – Technical Reference on Harmonization of Energy Efficiency Test Methods of Refrigerators Toward the New IEC among APEC Region (China) The project aims to promote harmonization of energy efficiency test methods in the APEC region in line with the new international standard IEC Research to date identifies that standards across the region apply a range of different test parameters, product categories, and energy performance indices. A further workshop is to take place in connection with this workshop

P ROJECTS - O NGOING AND RECENTLY COMPLETED EWG A – Review of the Design and Effectiveness of Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Labelling and Consumer Information Schemes (New Zealand) Survey had been done on vehicle fuel efficiency labelling schemes across APEC economies. A workshop concluded with a discussion of common priorities and challenges among the participating economies and recommendations on actions APEC could take to promote closer regional alignment and adoption of best practices. Best practice guide and recommendations are due in the next few months. EWG A – Catalysing Monitoring, Verification & Enforcement Best Practices Exchange and Building Compliance Capacity in the APEC Region (CLASP) The objectives were to identify best practices for verification testing and to create a monitoring, verification and enforcement (MV&E) network in the Asia- Pacific region. The project culminated in an APEC Best Practice Compliance Workshop which recommended regional cooperation as a cost-effective and strategic way to raise compliance with standards and labelling programmes in APEC economies. A set of draft principles to guide regional collaboration on monitoring, verification and enforcement were tabled at the workshop.

P ROJECTS - N EW PROPOSALS Lighting Design Centres (US) US presented the proposal “Establishing Lighting Best Practices and Education Programs to Achieve Deep Energy Savings – An Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) regional collaboration with university lighting centers and research institutions”. The proposed project would run from May 2015 to December 2016 and would comprise two workshops to promote best practices in efficient lighting and the establishment of unified lighting education programmes across APEC economies. Canada, China, Japan, Thailand, New Zealand, Chinese Taipei, The Philippines, Brunei Darussalam had agreed to co-sponsor the proposal. Enhancing Regional Capacity to Ensure Successful ISO Outcomes (US) US presented a further US proposal, which seeks to build regional capacity to implement, and assess conformity with, the international energy management system standard ISO standard. Canada, China, Chile, Mexico, Indonesia had been confirmed as project co-sponsors. The project would be undertaken in partnership with the APEC CTI SCSC and a Clean Energy Ministerial project team. ICA stated support for the proposal and offered to be a partner in the project delivery.

P ROJECTS - N EW PROPOSALS Follow-up project to EWG A-NEARLY (NET) ZERO ENERGY BUILDING (China) The aim of this project is to share the latest findings from NZEB research and demonstration projects. It will focus on flagship projects spread across several climate zones in the APEC region, including in Canada, Korea, Japan, the US, and China. Planned outputs include two workshops to be held in 2015 and APEC Self-funded project endorsed at EWG in 2014 being undertaken by the US in partnership with China US advised that it is undertaking a Self-funded project in partnership with China to promote best practices in green data centres (endorsed by the Energy Working Group in 2014). Key outputs for this project include a feasibility study and demonstration project for green data centres, production of a Best Practices Handbook, and a training workshop planned for 2016.

S TRATEGIES APEC activities in support of EE & RE goals The group noted that the EWG Lead Shepherd has invited the EGEEC and EGNRET to put forward ideas for new projects that can contribute to APEC’s energy intensity and renewable energy goals, and has expressed a preference for proposals that link energy efficiency and renewable energy. It was suggested that a working group will be set up under EGEE&C to undertake a gap assessment and identify potential projects. The working group could also help refine concept notes that are put up through EWG via the EGEEC&, so that they are linked as clearly as possible to APEC goals and priorities. This working group is planned to be convened in the 46 th EGEE&C meeting in Philippines

P ARTNERS - APERC APERC provided an update on their cooperative activities and highlighted that is seeking volunteers to carry out further PREE, specially in non-IEA economies that have not undergone PREE. In 2015, Thailand will host follow-up PREE. APERC’s new Energy Efficiency Policy (EEP) Workshop replaces the former Cooperative Energy Efficiency Design for Sustainability (CEEDS) initiative. The Trial EEP workshop was held prior to the 45th EGEE&C meeting and looked at funding approaches and key design principles for energy efficiency policies. In addition to the PREE and EEP initiatives, APERC currently works on APEC’s Energy Demand and Supply Outlook, the Low Carbon Model Town initiative, the Peer Review on Low-Carbon Energy Technologies (PRLCE), and Oil and Gas Security Exercises (OGSE).

P ARTNERS - CLASP APEC Energy Standards Information System (ESIS) is an online tool for comparing standards and labelling policies and regulations across APEC (by economy and product). It is currently funded by the US and maintained by CLASP. In 2015, ESIS will refresh data with assistance from key economy contacts, adding data for China, Russia and Canada, improve data on test methods, and survey users about potential upgrades to tools and functionality. Collaborative Assessment of Standards and Testing (CAST) initiative was established to promote harmonisation of test procedures (for product energy efficiency) in the APEC region. CAST is currently funded by the US and implemented by CLASP. To date, projects on heat pump water heaters and electric motors have been completed and a project on televisions is near completion. Regional cooperation on MV&E was suggested based on the results of the project previously mentioned. To establish a proposed forum, it would be useful to quantify how much economies are collectively spending on their compliance programs and how much could be saved through information-sharing and coordination. It is recommended that APEC’s Subcommittee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) should be approached to support and participate in the proposed forum given their interest and expertise in compliance.

P ARTNERS - ICA UNEP EE Global Partnership (GEF-funded) proposal was updated. ICA informed of the opportunities available for developing APEC economies to take part in the UNEP Efficient Appliances and Equipment Partnership launched in This is a public-private partnership that provides assistance to governments to support the transition to energy efficient products (in support of the energy efficiency goal of the UN Secretary-General's Sustainable Energy for All (SE4LL) initiative). ICA suggested that APEC economies developing projects through this initiative could potentially circulate project proposals through EGEE&C to gain regional support. ICA presented a proposed concept note on distribution transformers for the expert group’s consideration. The objective of the proposal is to help APEC economies fully capture potential energy savings from distribution transformers. There is potential to save up to 32 TWh of electricity per year by 2030 through requiring distribution transformers to meet MEPS. The proposed project would involve a comparative study of results from testing to two different test methodologies to support the development of an international standard under the IEC which will support better differentiation of performance between transformers. Both China and Chinese Taipei indicated their support for this proposal.

U PCOMING EVENTS The 46 th EGEE&C meeting is due to take place from 30 August to 3 September in Cebu, Philippines (seeking to move it) Workshops related to APEC-sponsored projects are encouraged to be held alongside the 46 th EGEE&C meeting There is still space in the agenda to include workshops or additional meetings.