Non-Metals and Metalloids CHEMISTRY
Learning Goals To be able to explain the properties of non-metals and metalloids within the periodic table
Properties of Non-Metals Many are gases at room temperature, some are solids, one is a liquid Solid non-metals have a dull lustre Solid non-metals are brittle Non-metals are usually poor conductors of electricity and thermal energy Examples: carbon ( C ), oxygen ( O ), chlorine ( Cl ), and neon ( Ne )
Important Families Non-metals are located on the right side of the staircase line The last two groups are halogens (group 17) and noble gases (group 18)
Group 17 – Halogens Members of the halogen family are highly reactive Fluorine (F) is the most reactive of the halogens and non-metals Pure chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), and iodine (I) are poisonous to living things Chlorine is used to disinfect water, and iodine solution is used to disinfect wounds Iodine tablets are used by campers to make water from a stream or river safe to drink These elements are commonly used in halogen lights
Group 18 – Noble Gases Noble gases are generally unreactive They are in the last group or column of the periodic table Some noble gases are used to light neon signs because the gases give off brightly coloured light when electricity passes through them Other uses include helium ( He ) for balloons and xenon ( Xe ) for some vehicle headlights
Noble Gases
Metalloids have properties in between those of metals and non-metals All metalloids are solids at room temperature Some metalloids are weak conductors of electricity and thermal energy Examples: boron ( B ), silicon ( Si ), germanium ( Ge ), and arsenic ( As )
Metalloids and Computers Metalloids are very useful to the electronic industry because they can conduct electricity to some extent Silicon and germanium are used to make semiconductors, which are part of computer chips
Success Criteria I CAN describe the properties of non-metals and metalloids I CAN locate the halogens, noble gases and metalloids on the periodic table
To Do… Video Demonstrations Worksheet