Mathsketball Name Date Class
Problem/Question How does your accuracy/shooting percentage change when shooting from different distances?
Hypothesis Write your own Hypothesis
Materials Pencil Paper Ping Pong Balls Ruler Cups
Procedure 1.) Place a cup against the wall in the room. 2.) Place ruler up against cup and use as starting point for measurement. 3.) Measure out the first distance of two feet from the cup. Make a straight line from your cup to the ending mark. 4.) Turn ruler at the two foot distance to make a line to shoot from. 5.) Your foot must be behind the ruler during each toss. Any foot over the line will result in a foul and loss of turn.
6.) Shoot at the cup 12 times from the 2 foot mark. (Remember you are trying to get the ball into the cup) 7.) Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remainder of the distances, but for the starting measurement go from the last tossing point. 8.) Complete 12 more tosses from 4 feet, 12 tosses from 8 feet and 12 tosses from 10 feet.
Data/Observations DistanceShots Made 2 feet (12 shots) 4 feet (12 shots) 8 feet (12 shots) 10 feet (12 shots) Fraction-Decimal and Percent
Conclusion 1.What distance gave you the highest percentage? 2.What was that percentage? 3.What was your lowest percentage? 4.What was your overall percentage? 5.2,3, and 4 must all contain the fraction, decimal and percent that you found.