Trilinear Phaco Using the Dual Linear Foot Pedal and Burst Mode Phacoemulsification Terence M. Devine, M.D. USA
Phaco Technology Ultrasonic Fluidics Power Linear Power Flow Control VacuumControl Chamber Stability Linear Power Pulser Power Burst Mode Power
Fluidics Power “Cutting Efficiency”
Fluidics Power Safe Easy Quick
Flow “Followability”
Vacuum “Holding Force”
Ultrasonic Power “Emulsification”
Tri-Linear Phacoemulsification
Bausch & Lomb Millennium™ Venturi
Dual Linear Footpedal
“Non-occluded State” Gas + - +
Gas Flow Valve T From Handpiece Microprocessor Foot Pedal YAW
Flow “Followability” Non-occluded State Flow Vac Flow 50 100 150 200 vacuum 50 100 150 200 250 300 17 23 29 35 40 46 Flow “Followability”
Tip Occluded Vacuum “Holding Force”
FLOW 20 Panel Control VS Gas-Pedal Control YAW
Safety and Efficiency Flow Low Flow High Flow
“Burst Mode” Case 1
Fluidics Power Dual Linear Foot Pedal Burst Mode Cutting Efficiency
Fluid wave Followability Flow Impact Lens “Chatter”
Pulser Power Off On Off On Followability Cooling Off
Standard Pulse ON OFF Burst 2 ON OFF Time
Standard Pulse Peak Energy Total Energy Burst 2 Followability Cooling
Millennium™ Burst Modes Rise Time 1 Rise Time 2 Pulse Duration 80 – 600 ms Examples: “Bimanual phaco” 1+ - 2+ cataracts Pulse Duration 160 - 600 ms Examples: 2+ - 3+ cataracts
“Carrier Frequency” is fixed. Millennium™ = Legacy® = Sovereign® = 28.5 KHz 40 KHz
Millennium™ = 28.5 KHz Pulser Linear Power Burst Pulse Duration (1 – 20 pulses/sec) OR Linear Power (0 – 100%) Burst Pulse Duration (80 – 600 ms)
Transient Cavitation Bubbles Bubble Size Lower Frequency Bubble Energy Cutting
Transient Cavitation Bubbles 28.5 KHz 40 KHz 73 Microns 52 Microns E = 2.76 E = 1.00
? Ultrasonics Sonics Stroke Intensity = 5 inches 40,000 Hz 28,500 Hz
Eye World October 2004 Dr. Howard Fine Millennium™ Burst Mode Sovereign® White Star Legacy® NeoSonix Clear Corneas at 24 hours 100% 100% 98% ≥ 20/40 100% 94% 96%
Trilinear Phaco Linear Power or Burst Flow Vacuum YAW 17 - 46 cc/min 50 - 300 mmHg Linear Power or Burst
“Burst Mode” Case 2
“Burst Mode” Case 3
Phaco Technology Ultrasonic Fluidics Power Flow Control VacuumControl Chamber Stability Linear Power Pulser Power Burst Mode Power