APPLICATIONS CNC milling has opened a new door for the custom automotive and motorcycle industry. Parts once deemed impossible and/or too expansive to create, can now be designed, machined, and finished in an affordable manner. From brackets, to wheels, to air cleaners, no part can’t be created. Companies such as Foose Design, Orange County Choppers, West Coast Choppers, and Rad Rides, use the CNC machine extensively to manufacture one- off, as well as production parts.
CUSTOM PARTS University of Washington Formula SAE Car Differential Bearing Mounts CNC milling allows the user to create custom and one-off parts that help finish a design. One of the biggest industries to take advantage of the CNC mill, has been the automobile racing. Custom suspension pieces, steering components, engine brackets. The sky is the limit. Even amature racers can take advantage of the CNC mill. Formula SAE competitors for instance, can use the CNC process to design and manufacture parts to marriage a wide variety of parts not intended to be used together. In 2005, the team from the University of Washington created custom bearing mounts for their entrant. Like most parts, the design started as a 3D CAD format. Eventually, this model was exported to a CAM program. Milled from a solid piece of aluminum, they are both strong and functional (the team placed 5 th out of 140 teams in 2005).
CUSTOM PARTS University of Washington Formula SAE Car, Differential Bearing Mounts
MANUFACTURED PARTS HogPro, Custom Wheels In limited numbers, manufactures have begun creating manufactured parts for the masses. Though more expansive than comparable cast parts, these CNC milled parts are stronger, and most importantly for the customer, rarer. In the field of custom automobiles and motorcycles, exclusivity can be the most important aspect of a product. Companies such as Weld Racing, who design and manufacture custom racing and street wheels, CNC milling has allowed the company to field a line of custom as well as one-off parts. Weld Racing’s line of custom wheels are staple at the race track, trails, and streets. The process of creating these parts is the same in the manufacturing of custom parts. The only change is a much more extensive machining stage.
MANUFACTURED PARTS Weld Racing, Custom Wheels