Open Spatial Adds Scalable Functionality to As Constructed Design Certification Validation Portal Using Microsoft Azure MICROSOFT AZURE APP BUILDER PROFILE: OPEN SPATIAL Since 1994, Open Spatial has provided geospatial engineering solutions to manage spatial data from survey through design, construction, and data management. The Open Spatial solutions bridge the gap between CAD, GIS, BIM, and Asset Management applications, using open standards and engineering best practices. The ACDC (As Constructed Design Certification) Validation Portal is a perfect example of this design philosophy, as it efficiently and effortlessly transforms “as- built” drawings to GIS and Asset Management. WHAT WE OFFER WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING “We needed to automate an inefficient process, eliminate backlogs, and improve our core system data quality and reliability. As Constructed Design Certification and the As Constructed Validation Portal enabled us to do exactly that.” – Michael Balfour, GIS and Assets Coordinator, Westernport Region Water Corporation. LEARN MORE Visit or to introduce an automated process, reducing risk and costs! © 2015 Open Spatial Go-To-Market Services PROCESS IMPROVEMENT Our Open Spatial ACDC Portal radically improves the current process of data recapture by adding automated validation to plan submittals from engineers and land developers. With ACDC, organizations can configure templates, data validation rules, location, and data output, resulting in improved data quality. STANDARDS Public Asset owners, e.g. councils, cities, counties and utilities, can provide preconfigured CAD drawing templates, in accordance with their data standards, to designers, engineering surveyors, and developers. ACDC templates ensure consistent and thorough data entry as part of as- built submissions. QUALITY The As Constructed Portal, running on Microsoft Azure, provides a custom configured VALIDATION service (before final submission) for as-built CAD drawings. Pre-validation of CAD drawings ensures complete and valid data is consistently supplied in as-built plans allowing organizations to focus on engineering compliance. VALUE ADD The As Constructed Portal allows organizations to ensure CAD drawing submittals are loaded effortlessly into GIS and Asset Management Systems, eliminating recapture of machine- ready data. The confidence in contributed data is greatly improved – reducing process time from weeks/days to hours/minutes.
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