WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY ENERGY PRODUCTION? Finland is one of the world’s leading users of renewable sources of energy, especially bioenergy. Renewable energy sources provide one fourth of Finland’s total energy consumption and account for more than one fourth of its power generation. The country’s most important renewable sources of energy include bioenergy – wood and wood- based fuels in particular, hydropower, wind power, ground source heat and solar energy.
GROUNDHEAT Groundheat is thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. Groundheat is cost effective, reliable, sustainable and environmentally friendly. The soil's ability to store energy from the sun is almost infinite.
GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Geothermal energy is almost pollution-free, but it is used for mainly in volcanic regions. For example, in Finland the primary geothermal energy is not used, but in Iceland it’s used in abundance. Reykjavik apartments in about 95% is heated by geothermal heat. Geothermal energy can be used directly using the hot springs of thermal energy or by drilling the ground deep channel, which is either sent to an underground liquid stock in hot water or by circulating this channel there which heats up water pumped from the canal. This heat can be used directly for heating or electricity generation.
The Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Plant in Iceland.
SOLAR ENERGY Solar energy means solar radiotation utilization as electrial- or thermalenergy. Solar energy can be exploited passively or actively. Passive solar energy involves esploiting heat and light from the sun directly without using any appliances to convert it to other forms of energy. Active solar energy involves trasforming solar radition into elctricity using panels or into intesified heat using solar collectors. It is used as – Solar heating – Solar photovolcais
BIOENERGY Bioenergy is energy from biofuels. Biofuels are made in Finland forests, swamps and fields from biomass growing communities, agriculture and industry, suitable for energy production from organic waste. Bioenergy accounts for 80% of renewable energy in Finland and covers about a quarter of the country's energy consumption.
SOURCES /seminaarit07/bioenergia.pdf /seminaarit07/bioenergia.pdf bioenergia-no6.pdf bioenergia-no6.pdf kehitys kehitys By: Aurora Suhonen ja Hilja Hautamäki