U.S. History to 1865
Twenty-Seventh Year Teaching High School College Middle School Technology Assistant at SHMS Colleges Eisenhower College Florida State University Binghamton University
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U.S. History to 1865 Geography Native Americans Explorers Early Colonies American Revolution Birth of a Nation Westward Expansion Civil War
Agenda Binder with 5 tab dividers Pencil pouch Completed homework
The binder is divided into 5 sections: 1. Classwork 2. Homework 3. Study Guides 4. Quizzes/Tests 5. Other Coded
Grading: Diagnostic Formative Summative Retake policy Absences Tardies
Field trip to George Mason in March Please collect Box Tops For Education For extra practice: solpass.org (password= stonehill) brainpop.com (username= lcpse, password= elem)
Order Tonight Computer Lab 1 $27 Credit or Debit Card only Order later online See Stone Hill Middle School website