THEATRE AND NATION Focus for today’s lecture: Jerusalem: What is this play saying about England as a nation and how are these ideas represented dramatically? Reading for today's lecture: - Butterworth, Jez (2009) Jerusalem - Holdsworth, Nadine (2010) theatre & nation, London, Routledge The following power points relate to Key ideas as discussed in lecture ans Holdsworth: National Theatres, State-Of -The-Nation plays, Icons, Stories History / Empire and Identity
Jerusalem, Nation and Icons What is this play saying about England as a nation and how is it represented? Icons Myths/ Stories History / Empire Identity
Dragons live forever/ but not so little boys
Displacement Millions of people do not officially exist for example in time of war
…for some, ‘other’ people do not officially exist.
Identity feeds on Difference
Birth of a modern monster (…and a modern myth)