Plot Development Chapter 29 in Huckleberry Finn
Chapter 28 Prior to the start of Chapter 29, Huck finally devises a plan between Mary Jane and himself in order for him to escape safely, but also so Mary Jane can have the slave family reuinted. Huck figures that for the most part, he devised a plan thathad all the pieces falling into place. The girls would not say anything, and Mary Jane wa gone, so nothing could mess this up. The King and Duke were out auctioing off everything from the estate so that they could get the money and then make a speedy trip to "England". However, the actual heirs (Peter Wilks' brothers) arrive at the auctioning square and are their to claim their brother's fortune. This is how the Chapter 28 ends, which makes Chapter 29 explain how this dillema turns out.
Chapter 29 Now that the actual heirs to the fortune are here, the King and Duke are trying to claim that the others are imposters. The actual heirs ask Huck whether he was English which he said yes, however when they asked him to talk, they could quickly tell that he was lying. The actual heirs then question the King repeatedly and ask him a very paticular question which was what the tattoo was of on their brother's chest. The King is obviously in a jam now, so he says a small thin blue arrow. This, the actual heirs say are wrong, they say it is the letters P-B-W. However, when they ask Ab Turner and another man whether that was the tattoo on his chest, they say that their was no such tattoo either. This now makes both groups of men look very fake and incites the crowd to become hostile. The crowd then decides that they only way to find out is to dig up the coffin and have a look for themselves.
Chapter 29 cont. The entire town is now an angry mob who is following behind Huck and his gang as well as the other men who claim to be heirs. At this point, Huck finally realizes that his life could all depend on whether a few letters were tattooed on Peter Wilks' chest. When they arrive to the graveyard and dig up the coffin, they discover the bag of gold, and the man who had been holidng Huck releases him so that he can catch a look at the gold for himself. Huck wastes no time and starts out immediately for the town, and to his urprise sees a light from Mary Jane's window and knows that she is back. He continues past her house and looks for a boat in town in order to make his escape. He gets on down to the towhead by the river and calls out for Jim who openly embraces uck and they quickly start on the river. Huck figures that he and Jim are home-free, however, to his disbelief, the King and Duke are on a raft chasing right after them!
Chapter 30 The King gets aboard and threatens Huck for leaving him back their to be killed, Huck of course talks his way out of it, and the King ultimately lets him go. The King and Duke then begin to argue about whose plan is was to take the money and leave. The King ends up owning up to the idea and the Duke cusses out the King a little. The King and Duke begin to drink and fall asleep. Huck and Jim begin to discuss everything that has happen to them so far.