Notes le 10 décembre Les pronoms de complément direct et indirect (Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns)
Indirect objects are frequently preceded by the preposition à, no preposition is needed before the direct object. Je lis un livre. ↑ direct object Je lis un livre à mon petit frère. ↑ indirect object
You can use a direct object pronoun in the place of a direct object noun.
Place a direct object pronoun before the conjugated verb.
In a negative statement, place the direct object pronoun between ne/n’ and the conjugated verb.
When an infinitive follows a conjugated verb, the direct object pronoun comes before the infinitive.
When a direct object pronoun is used with the passé composé, the past participle must agree with it in both gender and number.
Les pronoms de complément indirect singulierpluriel me (m’) – to/for menous – to/for us te (t’) – to/for youvous – to/for you lui – to/for him or her leur – to/for them
Indirect object pronoun placement follows the same rules as direct object pronoun placement. Ils leur montrent des photos. They are showing them some photos. Vous nous posez une question. You’re asking us a question.
When using direct and indirect object pronouns in the same sentence, they are placed in the following order:
Le dîner? Notre père nous le prépare tous les soirs. Dinner? Our father prepares it for us every night. Les cadeaux? On va les leur envoyer demain. The gifts? We’re going to send them to them tomorrow.