ELAG 2004 Automated Library Two systems in cooperation at the National Library of Norway Erling Fossan
ELAG 2004 Two systems Order BIBSYS Library System Swisslog Storage System WMS Shipping Loan request
ELAG 2004 Communication Data transmission –http transmission protocol Messages –XML coded –maximum 32 K –all data messages sent as http post requests –http response only ’OK’/ ’Failure’ BIBSYSWMS Data
ELAG 2004 Messages Orders BIBSYS WMS Items declared lost Excecuted / Cancelled orders Items into, or out of, the storage
ELAG 2004 Orders All orders transmitted collectively once a day Requests from one library kept together in one order Loan and copy requests treated separately (different destinations at the retrieval centre) Only executable requests are forwarded to WMS Orders BIBSYS WMS
ELAG 2004 Pre-processing of orders Partly automated Partly interactively Orders BIBSYS A I Requests for documents must be transformed to requests for physical copies before orders can be sent to WMS! Selection of copies must be done in BIBSYS BIBSYS has data about which copies are available (double registration)
ELAG 2004 Selection process A document copy can be selected automatically, if: –the document is available for this patron category –the document requested is a physical document (exact volumes in a multipart work is requested) –a document copy is available now –the document copy is not a folio (big size items, which are handled manually) A document copy must be selected manually, if e.g: –Journal articles or microforms are requested. –A mulitpart work, not spesific volumes, is requested
ELAG 2004 Invoicing data Automatically registered according to invoicing profile for the library –Can depend on service: copying og loaning –Can depend on patron category
ELAG 2004 Comments on challenges Logistics is a bit complicated The loan status for a document is set at an early stage, before the order is transmitted to WMS, to prevent ”double booking”. Complicates roll-back if transmission fails, or if order excecution in WMS fails. Data about storage items has to be registered in both systems. The problems are solved!