There are four seasons in a year: winter; winter; spring; spring; summer; summer; autumn. autumn.
WEATHER Whether the weather be fine, Or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold, Or whether the weather be hot, We'll weather the weather, Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not.
W INTER The winter months are December, January and February. The days are short and gloomy. The sky is pale. Sometimes it is slippery and one must be careful when crossing the road. The rivers and lakes are covered with thick ice.
W EATHER IN WINTER Frosty Snowy Cold Windy Chilly
S PRING Spring months are March, April and May. This season is especially welcome because everything awakens from its long winter sleep. The sun shines brightly. The grass is green and a lot of flowers peep out from the grass.
W EATHER IN SPRING Warm Cool Sunny Wet Rainy
S UMMER Summer months are June, July and August. It is the hottest season of the year. Everybody enjoys summer with its cloudless sunshine, with its gardens and meadows full of flowers. In summer many people leave town and spend the hottest time in the country or at the seaside.
W EATHER IN SUMMER Hot Sunny Warm Dry Rainy
A UTUMN The autumn months are September, October, November. The fruits are ripe and may be gathered. In autumn the days become shorter and the nights longer. The leaves turn yellow, brown and red. The earth is covered with fallen leaves. Sunny days are rare.
W EATHER IN AUTUMN Windy Chilly Cool Cloudy Rainy
L OOK AND SAY In summer… In winter… In spring… In autumn…