6th Grade Foreign Language Presentation Mme. Newcomer Mme. / Sra. Mason Señorita Ormsby Hola 6th Grade Foreign Language Presentation Bonjour
Why Study a Language?
It’s YOUR CHOICE French or Spanish!
Fun Facts about language: You can learn about different countries and customs Career opportunities Travel to new places Books , Movies & Music in the Language Communicate with family and friends around the world
French Films….
Spanish Films…
Things you should know… We do the same activities in both languages You study the same language for two years : 7th and 8th grade. They are equally difficult / easy.
Now WHAT? You will receive a foreign language choice slip You will make a choice and sign the slip Take it home to your parents over break and your parents will have to sign it. You will return to your 1st period teacher on Monday, April 21st, 2014.
Merci & Gracias