Film & Media Literacy -Films are texts and we can talk about them in the same way that we discuss narrative structure, but first we need to get acquainted with some basic SHOT TYPES.
ESTABLISHING SHOT These shots give the viewer CONTEXT for the images to come in the story, just like the SETTING in narrative.
MEDIUM SHOT Medium shots show the relationship between a character and their surroundings (including other characters.) Mise en scene – a term invented by French film critic Andre Bazin, this refers to what the director chooses to include in the frame.
TWO SHOTS & Over the Shoulder These shots allow us to see two characters in one frame, often when DIALOGUE is occurring.
Over the Shoulder
What is significant about what the director chose to include in this image?
CLOSE UP Close-ups give us an insight into what a character is thinking or feeling (emotion!)
SUBJECTIVE SHOT This shows us the image from the character’s point of view or perspective, revealing what life is like through their eyes.