S h o u l d W e C o l o n i z e S p a c e ? ( S p a c e W e a r ) B y N e l l J a k o n i u k
Space Wear space station crew members choose their clothes months before launching date Russian and U.S. clothing supply no washing machine in space station because to expensive crew members don’t change clothes as often as people do on earth because they don’t get as dirty work shirts and pants/shorts are changed about once every 10 days underwear and socks are changed every other day Polartec TM socks- used if feet get cold, must last a month two sweaters given when clothing used as many times as possible, placed in bag of disposal and sent back to earth when disposal enters earth’s atmosphere, it burns up
Is this an obstacle to space colonization? NO! We have conquered the question of space wear.
Benefits many benefits from space studies more knowledge of medical technology space studies have also been helpful with things like…
Benefits As you can see, we have benefited greatly from space exploration research. What will we discover next?