MAC 2015-2016 Open House Ms. Osejo (Room 200) eosejo@miamiartscharter MAC 2015-2016 Open House Ms. Osejo (Room 200) 6th grade Math Advanced 7th Grade Math Advanced
Work Books 6th grade Math Advanced McGraw-Hill Florida Math Course 1. Volume1 ISBN:9780021438648 McGraw-Hill Florida Math Course 1. Volume 2 ISBN: 9780021440832 7th Grade Math Advanced McGraw-Hill Florida Math Course 2. Volume 1 ISBN:9780021440849 McGraw-Hill Florida Math Course 2. Volume 2 ISBN:9780021408320
COURSE DESCRIPTION 6th grade Math Advanced Mathematics 1 Advanced reinforces mathematical concepts and introduces skills that are essential for all students. Concepts, procedures, and vocabulary that students will need in order to be successful in upper-level algebra and geometry courses are introduced and continually practiced. Students begin with division of numbers, fractions, and decimals. They are introduced to exponents, geometric formulas, algebraic concepts, ratios, percentages, and many more topics. We will be working extensively to apply these concepts to real-life situations and explore mathematics thoroughly. 7th Grade Math Advanced In this Grade 7 Advanced Mathematics course, instructional time should focus on five critical area: (1) solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; (2) drawing inferences about populations based on samples; (3) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (4) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; and (5) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
Curriculum Goals 6th grade Math Advanced Ratios Proportional I. Operations with Multi-Digit Whole Numbers, Decimals II. Ratios and Rates III. Proportional Reasoning with Percents IV. Integers, Rational Numbers, and the Coordinate Plane V. Expressions VI. Equations and Inequalities VII. Area VIII. Volume and Surface Area IX. Statistical Measures and Displays X. FSA Standards Review XI. Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers XII. Multiplication and Division of Rational Numbers XIII. Simplifying Expressions and Properties of Operations 7th Grade Math Advanced Ratios Proportional Proportional Reasoning with Percents Operations with Rational Numbers The Real number System Simplifying Expressions and Properties of Operations Equations with One Variable and Inequalities Systems of Equations Relationships in Geometric Figures Geometry and Measurement Probability Statistics FSA Standards Review Functions Transformations and Similarities
Grading All assessments will be equally weighted. Homework and practices are formative assessment, therefore should not be averaged in grade.
Dress Code Shirts Uniform polo shirts with collars, solid black, lime, teal or white with school logo (Available at Ibiley Uniforms) Black "I am MAC" Arts Department T-shirts, long or short sleeve (Only available through the school) Please note: The black "I am MAC" shirts will be ordered by the activities office after students order and pay for them through their arts teachers during the first two weeks of school. After that, these T-shirts will be available for purchase throughout the year directly through our website. However, because orders can only be placed based on a minimum of 10 shirts at a time, there may be a delay in receiving shirts ordered after the first two weeks of school. Students may choose to coordinate ordering in groups in order to more easily reach the 10-minimum. The MAC polo shirt remains the principal uniform shirt. Students who do not own "I am MAC" shirts must wear polo shirts until the black T-shirts are received. Pants School-appropriate slacks, jeans or shorts (Please be sure to read the Dress Code below regarding jeans and shorts) Shoes Regular Shoes or Sneakers No "Combat" style boots No Pajama Shoes or "sock" shoes No Flip Flops Sweaters and Jackets Any school-appropriate sweater or jacket may be worn. The "hoodie" portion of any sweater may not be worn in school.
What not to wear
Discipline Discipline Students are expected to follow the Miami- Dade County Code of Student Conduct at all times on campus and at school related events. The Student Code of Conduct can be found at: Classroom Rules: In order for you to be successful in my classroom, you must: Be ready to start class when the bell rings. Work quietly and do not disturb others. Raise your hand to be recognized before speaking. Show respect for school and personal property. No eating or drinking allowed in class. Remain in your seats unless given permission to get up. You will be dismissed by the teacher not the bell Electronic Devices are only allowed for instructional use Consequences The following steps will be taken upon infraction: 1. Verbal Warning in class 2. Student/Teacher conference outside of the classroom 3. Parent/Guardian email or phone call 4. Parent meeting and office referral
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