Sikh Identity Recap WALT: Consolidate our knowledge of Sikh Identity Analyse the deeper meanings of Kes and the Dastaar. Greeting Task: Pair share what you did for Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee’s Gurpurab.
Close your eyes, Breathe in, Breathe out, Sing along Prayer Time - ismrn Create an atmosphere for prayer time…. Vaheguru Jee Kaa Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh. Close your eyes, deep breath in, deep breath out, sing along and enjoy the experience. Positive praise for focus. State that anand of simran can be felt all the time when immersed in seva, simran or sangat. This anand can not be experienced doing any other activity in the world. Encourage students to experience the bliss. Close your eyes, Breathe in, Breathe out, Sing along Enjoy the experience 2
Each one of the ten Gurus represents a divine attribute: 11 Guru Sahibs Each one of the ten Gurus represents a divine attribute: 1. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee - Humility 2. Sri Guru Angad Dev Jee - Obedience 3. Sri Guru Amar Das Jee - Equality 4. Sri Guru Ram Das Jee- Service 5. Sri Guru Arjan Dev Jee - Self-Sacrifice 6. Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Jee - Justice 7. Sri Guru Har Rai Jee - Mercy 8. Sri Guru Har Krishan Jee - Purity 9. Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Jee - Tranquility 10. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee - Royal Courage 11. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee- the embodiment of all ten Guru Sahibs and attributes Test the kids on each Guru Sahib’s name and see if they remember each attribute....perhaps make this a theme over next few weeks as we’ll start to focus on the wives, sisters, mothers of the Gurus OR alternatively OR additionally do simran or mool mantar.
N.B We are discussing the Panj Kakkar, if ‘you’ keep some of them or all of them doesn’t make you ‘better’ than someone who doesn’t. They are our uniform and have a lot of spiritual power so it is our duty to explain why keeping kes is important etc. This is the path laid out by our Gurus and all our journeys are individual. There is no judgement or guilt...just providing you with knowledge for YOUR JOURNEY. Please stress uniqueness of journey. No judgement. It’s as Maharaj wills, if you want to keep any kakkar do an ardaas to Maharaj, speak to one of your older bros or sisters. Kakkars available from Sikhi Store or from us alongside Rehat Maryada.
Identity Competition Sikhs who have been baptised must wear the 5 Ks or 5 kakkar to show they are a Sikh. HANDS UP: What are they????? Kangha (comb) Kara (steel bracelet) Kirpan (sword) Kachhera (shorts) Kes (uncut hair covered with a turban) Kaurs versus Singhs Competition: On your sugar paper write down what the 5 Kakkar mean, their significance, what they represent, why Guru Jee gave them to us. You have 10 minutes to do this and the team with the most reasons gets a prize! Teacher to outline task and build up the group task and competition element and maybe give or establish competition rules with the class. Teacher to countdown and walk round, check answers and build competition element and stop potential cheating especially by the Singhs! Teacher to decide on prizes which can be sweets, stationary etc and pass on receipts to Kani Pajee. Teacher to split class into Kaurs and Singhs and distribute some sugar paper and felt tip pens. 10 minutes for the task and then 10-20 minutes to go through the task with the class. Teacher can keep a tally on the board. Singhs and Kaurs to swap sugar paper. Then Singhs read out all the Kaur answers for Kangha whilst teacher tallies on board and Kaurs cross off the Singhs list and let teacher know tally total for Singhs. Then the Kaurs read out any Kangha answers left on Sikhs sheets. Then Kaurs read out Singhs kara answers whilst Singhs cross off and teacher tallies. The Kaurs let teacher know Singhs tally and additional answers. Carry on with this with the rest of the kakkar. The teacher needs to maintain speed and build fun element of competition. WHATEVER the TEACHER SAYS goes! If the class gets noisy or cheeky then THE TEACHER TAKES OFF POINTS!
Kes and Dastaar Extra Reading: Show the Kes video: Teacher can pause and discuss if they wish. Funny article on kes and women: (although I think this applies to men more so) TASK: As we watch the video jot down why Kes and Dastaar are so important to our Sikh uniform, connection and spirituality.
World Record Turbans and Beards... Sikh man wears a 700 m, 60 kg turban on the occasion of Diwali in Amritsar. Teacher Point: Our identity is distinctive, unique and praised for not merely being artefacts rather spiritual parts of our body and being.
ELC: ‘Gorilla Girl’ Class to watch the video and if time teacher can ask what they think? The video: The blurb:
Homework Homework: Write to Sukhjit Kaur Khalsa and let her know what you think of the video. You can write whatever you feel and perhaps share your experiences, or ask her questions? If you want to watch the video again go to YouTube and type in ‘A Testimony on Courage’. Deadline: