Outside of dome, must wear a protective space suit. Girls wear black leggings, colorful soffee shorts, and tie dye tee shirts. Boys wear black sweat pants, sneakers, and tie dye shirts. It is considered disrespectful to have hair in your face.
We find it imperative that our citizens get alone and treat each other with courtesy. Therefore, we have a custom that whenever you greet a friend, you give them a hug.
November 12 th - Backwards Day May 17 th - J.W. Chachabliskro’s Birthday J u l y 2 9 t h - N a t i o n a l M o o n D a y ( s i m i l a r t o E a r t h D a y ) J a n u a r y 2 8 t h - J. W. C h a c h a b l i s k r o ’ s d e a t h Earth’s holidays (Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween, religious holidays) will be celebrated here too.
Average Family- Two parents, between 1-4 kids If parents separate- we hope they still communicate so children don’t loose contact with a parent Both parents would have some custody.
Family and friends- very important Play games, tell stories, relax NO TVs Encourage physical activity Computers for play, news, and communication
From an early age, children learn about rhythm, beat, ect. Weekly, citizens get together at a large facility to dance, sing, and have fun. A favorite past time Rather than graffiti, we have large areas of blank walls. We allow, and encourage, citizens to draw, spray paint, and express their feelings on these walls.