Ph.D.c Vesna Zupancic, School of Health Sciences Novo mesto, Slovenia prof. Majda Pahor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Istanbul, 9–10 September 2013 EFFORTS FOR INTEGRATING STRATEGIES IN MENTAL HEALTH CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEPRESSION IN COOPERATION WITH NGOs AND WITH EDUCATION SYSTEM SUPPORT
3 TO PRESENT: -The care system for people with depression in Slovenia, -The published knowledge on ensuring quality care for people with depression in Slovenia, -The key problems in the integration of care strategies for people with depression, -The possibilities for developing community care for people with depression, -My personal research plan. TO HIGHLIGHT: -The role of NGOs, -The necessity of support in the health care education system. QUALITY OF TREATMENT Empowering people QUALITY OF LIFE with depression PROMOTING MENTAL HEALTH COMMUNITY CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEPRESSION OBJECTIVES & BASIC PRINCIPLES
THE SLOVENIAN CARE SYSTEM FOR PEOPLE WITH DEPRESION THE SLOVENIAN CARE SYSTEM FOR PEOPLE WITH DEPRESION People with depression are not treated separately of the mental health care system. MENTAL HEALTH ACT (2008 ) Changed conceptual framework of care Orientation of treatment into the living space FORMAL NETWORK OF PROVIDERS CARRYING OUT MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES AND SERVICES Providers of psychiatric treatment (190 psychiatrists), Providers of social assistance programmes and services, Providers of controlled treatment, Providers of community treatment. NGOs in the area of mental health 4
5 REVIEW OF PUBLISHED KNOWLEDGE ON CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEPRESSION IN SLOVENIA The database of written sources encompasses 435 units. -Included viewpoints, categories, -Included areas, -Disciplinary treatment. QUALITY OF LIFE ELEMENTS QUALITY OF TREATMENT ELEMENTS -Community care is presented as an ideal concept by introducing interdisciplinary teams in the community (reduced inequality, development of community care), -Research on depression incidence (proving cause-and-effect connection to poverty, unemployment etc.), -Research to develop comprehensive and quality treatment, -Research to prevent secondary consequences of depression. NOT ENTERING TREATMENT (EARLY ENOUGH), PREMATURE WITHDRAWAL FROM TREATMENT There is too little empirical evidence for the development of community care in Slovenia.
6 KEY PROBLEMS IN THE INTEGRATION OF CARE STRATEGIES IN SLOVENIA CategoriesSubcategories Interprofessional cooperation Team work, interdisciplinary approach Continuous treatmentClinical pathways, standards InformednessNetwork of providers and their competences, normative level ResponsivenessQuality of life, motivation EducationFormal education, lifelong learning The data is collected in a cross-sectional study of two Slovenian health regions, combining quantitative and qualitative methods, and using instruments for gathering data from different perspectives (legal provisions, administrative bodies, healthcare and social assistance providers on one side, and people with depression on the other) developed during the research process.
7 The T test shows statistically significant differences between groups of Year 1 and Year 3 students’ grade (t=-3.995, sig. 0.0). QUICK TEST - Timed 15 minutes 307 students / 443 enrolled students 109 – Year – Year 2 91 – Year % full-time 40.1% part-time 22.5% male 77.5% female GRADERANGE OF GRADES NO. OF POINTS (OF 27) –100%26– –95.5%23– –84.2%19– –70.7%16–18 655–59.5%14–15 5–1<13.5
8 PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS NON-GOVERNMENTAL NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS (170 / 21%) EDUCATION SYSTEM - CASE STUDY Community care for people with depression is not only the result of coordinated team work by specialists in different disciplines, viewing mental health as an interface between psychical, physical, social, and experience levels, but it is also realized in one‘s own responsibility for mental health and efforts for mutual solidarity and intergenerational connection. Comprehensive treatment Individual work Cooperation KNOWLEDGE A A1 INFORMEDNESS B B2 RESPONSIVENESS C C2
9 Thank you for your attention! Any questions?