What does Urban mean? (Need to download presentation in order to listen to/view audio and video clips)
Cities with HIGH POPULATION and large buildings
What does Rural mean?
An area with LOW POPULATION, usually farmland
What is Mechanization?
Replacing the labor force (workers/people) or animals with machinery
Several businesses that focus on one product or service. Taking Raw (natural resources) materials and creating products (capital resources). Steel Beam (Capital/Product) Iron Ore (Natural/Raw)
It is an industry that focuses on ONE product. These are the specialized industries and their primary cities PITTSBURGH STEEL DETROIT AUTOMOBILE CHICAGO MEATPACKING NEW ENGLAND (NEW YORK) TEXTILE (CLOTHING)
Who founded the Hull House?
Jane Addams
What were some problems that cities faced? What were the solutions to those problems?
ProblemsSolutions Farm workers lost jobs because of machines replaced human labor (mechanization) People poured into cities faster than housing could be built. New Construction space was limited (cannot expand outward) Living Conditions in the tenements were terrible; sanitation and health problems arose Farmers moved to the city Tenement Houses were built. So were skyscrapers. Places such as the YMCA and the Hull House provided medical care and trash removal. People were screened for contagious diseases.
What were more problems that cities faced and what were solutions to those problems?
Problems Poverty left people hungry and homeless; children had no place to play Urban landscapes lacked Trees, flowers, and open grassy areas. People needed practical ways to travel quickly and over obstacles such as rivers. Solutions The YMCA and the Hull House provided recreation activities, playgrounds, nurseries, and libraries to people Parks, such as Frederick Law Olmstead’s Central Park, were built to beautify the city. Public transportation such as trollies/streetcars and subways were built; so were STEEL bridges.
What were reasons that cities developed?
People moved from Rural areas to Urban areas I’m glad to enter America! PITTSBURGH STEEL Specialized Industrialies Rapid Industrialization