Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Harnessing Life Events Connecting Services and Citizens
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action 2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Project Overview and Goals Team Structure Project Plan Next Steps
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Project Overview: About the Institute for Innovation Established in 2011, the ACT-IAC Institute for Innovation is chartered to promote innovation in the delivery of government services and operations. –It develops and delivers high-quality strategic advice that reflects cross-industry recommendations –based on the consensus of experts from ACT-IAC’s member companies and government liaisons Examples of Institute offerings include: –Annual Igniting Innovation Event –“Transforming the Way Government Builds Solutions” –“Making Innovation Work: How to Manage It, Measure It, and Profit from It” –“Empowering Citizen Driven Government through Collaboration and Service Delivery” Life Events project was selected as an innovative concept that promotes a variety of key government issues and challenges. It also aligns with ACT- IAC priority areas. 3
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action What Is A Life Event? 4
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Why Should We Harness Life Events? They help government understand, anticipate, and respond to public needs better They can help the public identify, navigate, and benefit from government services They serve as common ground for citizen- centric services across government Surface sharing and collaboration opportunities
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Project Overview & Goals Determine how life events are, or can be, used to design and deliver citizen-centric services This project will identify ways in which a life event approach can: 1.Advance the customer service Cross Agency Priority 2.Improve information sharing and safeguarding 3.Identify agency performance metrics to measure the impacts and benefits of citizen-centric services Author recommendations, generate awareness, and highlight opportunities to leverage a life event approach 6
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Ground Rules 7 Essential practices for ACT-IAC projects CommitmentThis is real work. Planning, meeting attendance, written contributions, reviews all require your commitment. No SellingWe are a partnership working to surface solutions and recommendations. This is not a marketing effort. FairnessEveryone that contributes gets to participate in interviews. Avoid using same interviewers and encourage people to step up. ConsensusEveryone should contribute and no-one should dominate the conversation. Some ideas may not be accepted by the group. StructureUse tools, procedures and planning to identify, prepare, and engage interviewees. Things go smoothly when used.
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Team Structure 8 Innovator Circle Customer Service Steering Committee Mary Ann Monroe (GSA) & Karen See (Mitre) Information Sharing Steering Committee Pamela Wise-Martinez (PM- ISE) & Diana Zavala (HP) Performance Metrics Steering Committee Lester Diamond (SSA) & Mark Western (Forrester) Project Leads Herb Strauss (SSA) & Peter Wilson (ICF)
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Roles & Responsibilities 9 RoleResponsibilities Project Leads Set Project Goals Define Project Deliverables Guide Project Teams Hold Bi-weekly Status Meetings Develop / Manage Project Templates Ensure / Report Project Progress Integrate Team Content into Final Deliverable Steering Committee Members Organize Volunteers Lead Team Activities Hold Weekly Status Meetings Develop / Manage Team Templates Ensure Team Progress Develop Team Report Section Team Members Identify interviewees Plan interviews Conduct interviews & take notes Share resources and experiences Discuss findings & brainstorm Contribute to content
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Project Plan (6 month delivery) Committee Chairs and Leads select two life events Engage all volunteers SC Leads organize and lead teams Conduct interviews with government and industry stakeholders Perform team brainstorming sessions Develop case studies and recommendations Deliver focused team content Integrate team content and deliver products 10
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Team Focus: Customer Service How to advance improved customer service through a LE focus. –How can Life Events support different kinds of agency missions? How do we approach using them to support those missions? –How can we employ Life Events to improve customer service/experience? –How can agencies collaborate and cooperate on Life Event’s to streamline the customer experience across Government? How without legislation? How with legislation? Common barriers? 11
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Team Focus: Information Sharing How to use LEs to improve information sharing? –How do we orient information exchanges (e.g., HIE, IEDP, etc.) to LEs? Examples? –What are solid LE candidates for interagency/intergovernmental exchanges? –How do agencies create information exchanges? What LEs drive data exchanges most – with whom? 12
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Team Focus: Performance Metrics How to measure improvements/contribution/support in service resulting from a LE focus? –What qualitative/quantitative metrics should be used to measure LE contribution/service at the agency level? –What metrics should be used to measure LE contribution/service at the Community of Service level (agencies, NGOs, industry, localities)? –What metrics should be used to measure LE contribution/service at the interagency level? 13
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Project Deliverables Author a white paper –Focus on 2 life events –Address how LE can improve: Customer Service / Experience Information Sharing Performance –Call out examples and opportunities Develop an executive briefing 14
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Project Resources Project collaboration site Background papers (ACT-IAC Knowledge Base) –Smart Lean Government Practical Guide –Life Events: Connecting Services & Citizens –Empowering Citizen Driven Government through Collaboration and Service Delivery Templates from prior Institute projects 15
Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Next Steps Meet your Team Leads and teammates Plan when your first meeting will be Read background information 16