Ray Karol Collider-Accelerator Department ESSHQ Division Head August 19, 2009 Human Performance Initiative at Collider-Accelerator Department
2 Human Performance Initiative at C-AD C-AD began a human performance initiative in November 2005 after 4 staff attended a Human Performance course by DOE (Shane Bush) in the summer of 2005 Fall ESSHQ Division held five 2-hour training sessions for all staff with other Department/Divisions also attending – very well received Using the HP principles from INPO* and James Reason**, C-AD created OPMs to assist staff in implementing Human Performance principles: - Conducting Effective Pre-Job Briefings, Walk-Downs and Post-Job Reviews - Human Performance Tools for C-AD Staff - C-AD Criteria for Application of Disciplinary Action (just cause) * Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Human Performance Fundamentals Course Reference, 2002 ** James Reason, Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents, 1997
3 Human Performance Initiative at C-AD August 2006 – C-AD, PE and BNL QA met with Rob Fisher to develop a plan for HPI training at BNL December C-AD placed James Reason text on the C-AD ESSHQ website for our staff to read and reference and began mailing chapters to all C-AD staff on a weekly basis Summer 2007 – C-AD hired Rob Fisher to train 50 Manager/Supervisors and 50 workers in Human Performance Fall 2007 – BNL initiated lab-wide training using Rob Fisher. Spring/Summer 2008 – C-AD sent 4 staff for Human Performance Advocate, 2 continued on to become certified trainers September 2008 C-AD trainers begin teaching C-AD staff. “How I Work Safely” Pocket Card distributed to all workers for the last few years FY07 and FY08 - The C-AD Work Control Manager held 1-hour sessions for C-AD staff each FY focusing on human performance tools used for work planning
4 Human Performance Initiative at C-AD FY09 - C-AD formed a Human Performance Committee – our 4 C- AD Advocates are members. Held two Quarterly meetings to date C-AD has ~95% of staff trained HP Training is currently “routine” C-AD has two designated HP Trainers ~8 classes completed so far, 2 more scheduled in May 2009 C-AD HP web page since 2/09 Weekly 5-minute safety topic s have included human performance since 2006 Advocates now participate in all ORPs and Critique investigations
5 Human Performance Initiative at C-AD One OPM per month since January 2009 is being reviewed by an Advocate or worker for clarity and correctness of procedure Integrating HP principles into existing programs Trying to develop a meaningful system to measure human performance improvement within present resources Confounding factors make this hard to separate out We have always looked at performance trends which are continually improving Work Observations by C-AD management and DOE facility representative have noted use of HP principles April One C-AD HPA attended the Just Culture Seminar One C-AD HPA to attend Procedure Writing Course – June 2009
6 HPI Road Blocks Need to allow current HP Trainers to conduct Supervisor and Manager courses Need Knowledge-Based HP Course C-AD Human Performance Committee Chair attended the Knowledge-Based course in Summer of 2007 C-AD attended the Recent Knowledge-Based Course Expectation that this “special program” will yield measurable results “Legacy” Latent Conditions that involve errors in the design of safety systems that protect from “rare events” exist
7 Forward-Looking Performance Indicator EXAMPLE PRACTICES: Safety Meetings ESRC/ASSRC/RSC WOSH Committee Disciplinary Rules Work Planning Manager Work Observations Management Review Assessments Critiques Security Committee Human Performance Training HPI Committee Power Walks … Best safe companies have 25 to 40 practices Practices may change/improve with time
8 Backward-Looking Performance Indicators – Long Term Trends
9 Potential Human Performance Indicators for C-AD C-AD Human Performance Event-Free Day Indicators * Average number of days between the last 6 events Most number of days between events Number of days since the most recent event C-AD does Critiques, Illness/Injury Investigations and ORPs These will be used as input, judging those that have HP causes We already have a Quarterly Performance Indicator Report that tracks many of these indicators ORPs Criteria is very similar to INPO criteria but much more extensive One HPA is scheduled to discuss potential operations improvements related to human performance as one of the C-AD HP Committee assignments * INPO , Human Performance Key Performance Indicators, June 2008
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