Procedural for Year 2S
Welcome Year 2S to Miss Sly’s PowerPoint presentation on the topic of ‘Procedures’. Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring procedures in class. In your computer time, you will be working through the activities in this PowerPoint to help you become procedure writing geniuses! To complete the activities, make sure you follow my step-by-step instructions very carefully. You have just glued in a checklist into your workbooks so that you know where you are upto on the PowerPoint. Could you please come and sit quietly on the carpet as I am going to read a story called “How to Babysit a Grandpa.” - Miss Sly
Type of text
What is a procedure? A procedure is a step-by-step piece of writing that tells you how to do something. A procedure can be called a “How To” or a “Procedural Text.” The information is presented in small steps (numbered). The most common example of a procedural text is a recipe.
Types of procedures Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity. recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety rules, how to do it manuals. Texts that instruct how to operate things. how to operate an appliance, a machine, the photocopier, the computer
Features of a procedure What are the features of a Procedural Text? Title Goal – what are you going to make, play or build? Materials – what do you need? Usually written in a list in the order you need them. Method – the steps involved to complete goal (in order) (numbered) Evaluation – how is success tested?
What are you good at? 1. In your workbooks, make a list of things you are experts (really good) at. For example – Miss Sly is good at drawing pictures of horses Miss Sly is good at washing her car Miss Sly is good at making chocolate brownies What are YOU good at?
YouTube – How to write a procedure 1. Follow link to YouTube video “How to write a procedure” 2. Watch video 3. Respond to video: In your workbooks, write down steps shown in the video. Make sure your steps are numbered (1, 2, 3, etc)
Following a procedure – How to make a paper aeroplane 1.Follow the link to the StudyLadder activity: Sign in to StudyLadder using your username and password. 2.Complete activity. 3.Test your plane!
Study Ladder – How to wash a dog 1.Follow the link – Log into Studyladder using your username and password 3. View Procedural video ‘How to wash a dog’ 4. Collect worksheet from teacher, complete and glue Into workbook
Write your own procedure For your assessment, you are going to create your own writing procedure. You can select from - -How to make pizza -How to play soccer -How to ride a bike -How to make a sandcastle Please see Miss Sly when you are up to this step.
Don’t forget to include... Title Goal to achieve Ingredients or items you need Steps Evaluation Miss Sly recommends that you follow this checklist to help you write your procedural text. Checklist for your procedure
Good work! You have done a fantastic job at completing all the activities! - Miss Sly
For teachers: Curriculum links This resource has been designed to align with the Australian Curriculum Design Technologies content descriptor and its elaborations: Foundation – Year 2 Content Descriptor – Sequence steps for making designed solutions and working collaboratively (ACTDEP009) Elaborations – Recording the procedure for making a product, for example a recipe or instructions for making a container Australian Curriculum: English - Year 2 Content Descriptor - Literacy – Interacting with others Rehearse and deliver short presentations on familiar and new topics (ACELY1667)(ACELY1667) General Capabilities -Literacy -ICT -Critical and Creative Thinking -Visual Art Find out more about the Australian Curriculum (ACARA, 2015):
For teachers: implementation of resource This resource, including the assessment task will take approximately 3 – 4 weeks to complete. If slightly adapted, this resource could allow for utilisation as a whole-class, small group, or individual activity. This resource can be modified to suit multiple ages from as young as Prep to the middle years. This resource has been designed in order to introduce the topic of Procedural Writing in the form of an interactive PowerPoint presentation, however teacher guidance and scaffolding as well as teacher and teacher aide support is required in order to achieve the desired outcomes. Student’s must have computer access to complete the tasks. If availability of ICT’s is an issue; teacher can adapt resource to suit whole class delivery. Some student’s may require additional one-on-one support when completing tasks due learning difficulties. This is where teacher aide support would be beneficial in order for all students to achieve at a benchmark standard.
Miss Casey Sly USQ – Toowoomba Bachelor of Education (Primary) EDP4130 – Technology Curriculum and Pedagogy Assessment Task 3