Regional GIS Users Group Meeting Wednesday, September 3 rd :00 AM - 1:00 PM Amphitheater, C - Level Next meeting is December 10th
Cooperative Purchase Agreement Will send RFP out by next RGUG -would like to see more county commitment Distributed condensed version of specs to everyone on the RGUG distribution list for verification –Being reviewed by USGS and GDOT –Need verification from counties to continue Present to ARC Board as a programmatic element for Calendar year 2010
GOAL: Local update of streets to GDOT Pilot Jurisdictions: Rockdale, Fulton, Smyrna, COA, ARC, and ITOS Monthly meetings, 3 rd Thursday Local test data provided within data model from Rockdale County, Smyrna Regional Street Data Program
Primary Data Model Items Address Facility Operation Length Road name Route Number Route Type/Jurisdiction Shoulder Width/ Type Speed Limit Surface Width/ Type Travel Lanes Sidewalks Regional Street Data Program
Currently working through issues of route number conflation Conflation of Rockdale County Finalize the street attributes tool based on user feedback Need to know participatory interest Regional Street Data Program
GIS Training Program Currently teaching Introduction to ArcGIS I 3 rd Class of the year just held in August 27 local government staff trained so far this year One more course this year on December 4-5 Cost is $225 including books and lunch – local government staff only (city, county, water authorities, transit agencies, etc.) In process of upgrading to new 9.3 curriculum New course outlines, new lecture and exercise books Full course now in three parts, 7 days instead of 5 Incorporated more basic introductory material into Part I Part II spends more time on basic and intermediate skills and concepts Part III is advanced analysis ARC will teach Parts I & II in 2009 and add Part III in 2010 Please contact Paul DiGirolamo at or for more information
ArcGIS Server and Pictometry Migrating from ArcIMS 9.2 to ArcGIS Server platform –Completed implementation of Latitude Geographics Geocortex Essentials for ArcGIS Server 9.2 –Upgraded ArcIMS 9.2 to 9.3 –Upgraded ArcGIS Server 9.2 to 9.3 and Geocortex Essentials 1.4 –Configuration and Internal Testing of GE application 2007 Regionwide Pictometry Oblique and Ortho imagery and Electronic Field Study software available (7/18 counties received imagery)
Other Announcements Forsyth County is supporting a workshop for GIS and IT Managers November 20th- $299 –See John Kilgore for more info: