What is Universal Design?
UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING Multiple means of representation, to give learners various ways of acquiring information and knowledge Multiple means of expression, to provide learners alternatives for demonstrating what they know Multiple means of engagement, to tap into learners’ interests, offer appropriate challenges, and increase motivation.
Multiple means of representation The bird house is in the tree. Bird house in a tree
Multiple means of expression… Provides learners alternatives for demonstrating what they know!
Slate and Stylus Perkin’s Brailler PAC Mate notetaker Conversations after school Abacus Tactile graphics
Multiple means of engagement… Tap into learner’s interests Offer appropriate challenges Increase motivation
Don’t Discount Braille 5,500 blind children use Braille as their primary medium. This represents 12.5% of the blind, school- age population.
Materials needed for Braille production
Large Print Large print is generally defined as print for text passages that is larger than the print used by that segment of the population with normal vision. The sizes of print most commonly used by the sighted population range from eight to twelve points in size. The American Printing House for the Blind takes the position that large print for use by the low vision population is print that is eighteen points in size or larger.
DAISY Digital Accessible Information System
Three types of Daisy Books! Audio Text Combination of Audio and Text
The Conversion Process File saved in common digital format—Word, WordPerfect, Rich Text, ASCII, Word Pad Software to convert to DAISY/NISO-open document in the authoring software – Kurzweil 1000 – irti.net – Open Book
For more UDL information……
Current UDL efforts in Louisiana! Map of Louisiana
Useful Resources American Foundation for the Blind American Printing House for the Blind Center for Applied Special Technology Freedomscientific Blind/Low Vision Group
Useful Resources Humanware Group Independent Living Aides International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Kurzweil Educational Systems Louisiana UDL
Useful Resources National Braille Press IRTI Innovative Rehabilitation Technology, Incorporated Bookshare Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic