7 December 2015 Agenda/Homework: Agenda signature, draft of speech for peer editing due Tue/Wed, Night test Tues/Wed Warm-ups: Name the two fallacies that fall under ethos and define them. Write an example for each in your warm-ups. You may complete this warm-up with your group You may use your notes
7 December 2015-Have out your pre- write draft outline! In-class Writing on Demand on Wednesday (block day) Spades! make sure your group paperclips together: 1. Embedded Assessment #2 assignment/pre-write sheet 2. Source packet 3. Notes on SEE sets, intro/conclusion paragraphs,grammar 4. Peer edited outline draft (we will peer edit today)
Important Materials... Plenty of notebook paper A few mechanical pencils (if possible) NO PENS!!! A good eraser All pre-writing materials Neatness counts! Please write neatly! Points will be taken off for careless sloppiness Please bring something to do for the rest of the class period if finished early (no music/phones).