Seven Hills Elementary Your future begins NOW! Second Grade
Mrs. Green Ms. Payne Ms. Teague Mrs. Vann
Tonight parents will… Understand their role in the parent community Know ways they can be involved in their child’s classroom and school Understand the role of a student at Seven Hills Understand the rituals and routines that make Seven Hills a successful learning community.
Communication We need parents addresses! Make sure we have updated phone numbers Texting parents – sign them up for Remind 101 Paperless communication Teacher newsletters Teacher Websites
Remind 101 Enter this number: Enter this as the
Teacher Newsletter
Elementary Education Brochure
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Workshop Model Reading, Writing, Math and Science follow the workshop model Opening, work period, and closing Students all work at their level. The teacher introduces concepts at the opening. The teacher pulls groups or individuals during the work period Students become teachers at the closing
Reading & Writing Reader’s & Writer’s Notebook Goal Notebooks Anchor charts Reading logs Reading levels charted Million Word Challenge Book of the Month
Reading & Writing Reading 20 minutes independently Personal narratives, report of information and responding to literature Capitalization and punctuation Weekly spelling test
Million Word Challenge Each child is expected to read 100 picture books by the end of the year. Book only counts once Must be a “Just Right” book Chapter books upon teacher discretion Weekly check of reading logs Reward given in May/June
Million Word Challenge 20 books by October 4 40 books by November 15 60 books by January 17 th 80 books by February 28 th 100 books by April 18 th
Math Math Investigations-links for additional information on Mrs. Russell’s web page. Conceptual learning Importance of knowing their math facts Anchor Charts Notebooking
Math Math expectations Facts up to Two digit addition and subtraction strategies, noticing patterns and efficiency Homework expectations – 15 to 20 minutes logged per week
Science Workshop Model Notebooking Anchor charts Inquiry Process Matter, Force and Motion, Earth and Space and Living Organisms
Social Studies Leadership in our community and government Often is incorporated into our LA curriculum or Principal’s Book of the Month
Classroom Management STAR Binder Please check and initial behavior calendar every night STAR Parties End of every 6 weeks – reward for great behavior STAR Awards Perfect attendance and great citizenship
Technology in Action Netbook Carts iPads and Carts Classroom Response Systems Digital Cameras Eduphoria Millions of Apps and Websites Video Announcements
ITBS and COGAT Testing Days In February we will be testing students on their cognitive abilities
Conferences We will schedule a parent/teacher conference with all of our parents in October. Make sure you sign up before you leave If you would ever like to meet with us; just let us know and we are happy to meet with you.
Homework Spelling and math Spelling is for practice only The purpose of homework is to reinforce concepts that have already been taught in class.
Specials (Art, Music and PE) Information on: Curriculum goals Scheduling and conference times Choir Recorder Photography Club Fitness testing Family fitness fun run Can be found on their individual pages
Library Our library day is Monday Please remember to return library books on Mondays
Dance Team Second grade dance team will begin after Christmas break. Cynthia Bukasa will be organizing the boys and girls teams If you would like to volunteer please contact her at: