STAFF Mrs. Mary Albert, Librarian Ms. Kathryn Richards, Librarian Ms. Emma Hernandez, Assistant FRIENDLY COURTEOUS HELPFUL EXPERIENCED
LIBRARY HOURS Monday – Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Pass required during class time
Library Pass Sign in as you enter Name and teacher’s name Time you entered Place pass in the basket Ask librarian to sign pass before you leave
Finding What You Want To locate a book Click on the PAC and Internet Click on catalog tab at top of page Search by keyword, title, author, subject, call number, or series Status indicates if a book is available Double click on item to see complete record
Accelerated Reading Program Every student is tested to determine the reading level through the STAR Program Books, marked with an AR label, are chosen by reading level Blue dots on AR books indicate a quiz is available on the computer Notebook at the circulation desk has a list of all available quizzes
To Check Out Books Maximum of 3 books may be checked out Books are due in 3 weeks (date due is stamped in back of book) Reference books are available for 1 week check out Magazines may be checked out for 1 week
Call Numbers A library is divided into smaller collections Each collection has a unique call number which helps you locate the item easily The call number is like the address of the book Be familiar with the different locations of the collections and you’ll be able to locate any item
Collections Within the Library Fiction - F or FIC Nonfiction – DDS # Biography – B Biography Collection - BC Reference – REF College and Careers – C Spanish – SP Basic Readers – ESL Books on Tape - CAS Books on CD - CD Videos - VHS DVDs – DVD Oversized Collection – OS Story Collection – SC Graphic Novels - GN
Identify the following collections by their call numbers 1. F 2. 973 3. B 4. CAS HAR SMI BUSH F POE 5. C 6. REF 7. ESL 8. SP 371 299 F 622 SAT HAM ROD JON
Dewey Decimal System for Nonfiction books 000-099 Generalities: encyclopedias 100-199 Philosophy 200-299 Religion 300-399 Social Sciences 400-499 Language 500-599 Science 600-699 Technology 700-799 Arts and Recreation 800-899 Literature 900-999 History
FINES 5 cents for each school day ($.05)
Printing Fees Black & white printing - $.05 per page Color printing - $.25 / page; available only by request Copier - $.10 per page
On-line Databases InfoTrac – magazine database and some reference books Discovering Collection – wide variety of reference books (contained in InfoTrac database) World Book On-line Encyclopedia WebPath – Found in the PAC Opposing Viewpoints – articles on controversial subjects Facts On File – A collection of useful databases on a variey of subjects Culturegrams – Useful information on countries & US states Newsbank – Albuquerque Journal, Las Cruces Sun-News, & Roswell Daily Record
Library Rules Students will respect others A quiet atmosphere will be maintained Food and drinks are not allowed Sign in to use a computer at the front desk Materials and equipment must be used with care Best behavior is expected One person per computer
Guidelines for Internet Use Internet forms are distributed and collected by English teachers Computers may not be used until Internet form is signed and returned Internet is for educational purposes only Save work on a jump drive
Guidelines The following are not allowed: chat rooms, music videos, chain letters, and pornography Violating any rules may result in losing library privileges
School Supplies for Sale in Library Spiral Notebook - $1.50 Black Ink Pens - $.50 Mechanical Pencils - $.50 Eraser (Large) - $.75 DVD - $2.00 Paper - $1.50 Report Covers - $.50. Poster Board - $.75 Index Cards - $1.00 Pocket Folders - $1.00 CDRW - $2.00
Playaways Audio books in an MP3 format Requires use of earbuds Earbuds - $1.00 each or use your own See display at front desk
Welcome to the Santa Teresa High Library We are here to help you find what you need to do your best work – Please ask for help!