Ash Demon 2 reflex2 hands35 EP Physical Attacks Shroud: Prevents the next 10 damage done to the Ash Demon. This effect doesn’t stack. Smoldering Embers: Deals 10 damage, and flip a coin. If heads, deals 10 extra damage. 1 reflex 0 hands 1 reflex1 hand 1 Fire Powerup 1 Earth Powerup Ash Demon The Ash Demon is one of the three “cloud” Demons, the other two being the Steam and Mist Demons. It isn’t as big as the other two, but it has two hands, whereas the other two only have one. The “cloud” Demons each have the Water Element somewhere, and they all share the Shroud ability, which is by far the simplest method of defense that a Demon can use. The Ash Demon has water as its third element, and thus only the Ancient Ash Demon can make use of it. Although it has very little attacking power in proportion to the other “cloud” Demons, its upgrades more than make up for this initial vulnerability.
Essential and Ancient Ash Demons As it upgrades, the Ash Demon reveals that it follows a pattern quite similar to an insect. The Essential Ash Demon is a cocoon, with absolutely 0 attacking power, except via weaponry, but a method of using Powerups to reach its Ancient form without the usual strain of upgrading. It isn’t clear what the Ancient Ash Demon actually is, but it looks much more “demonic” than most Demons. The unusual flames that burn in the Ancient Ash Demon’s “wing” vents flicker out briefly before the Demon uses its Searing Strike attack, suggesting that the Ancient Ash Demon may have trouble keeping its own power under control. As far as is known, an Elder Ash Demon cannot be created. Essential Ash Demon 1 reflex2 hands135 EP Physical Attacks Carapace: Prevents the next 10 damage done to the Essential Ash Demon. This effect doesn’t stack. Also heals the Essential Ash Demon for 10 EP. Emerge: Search your deck for an Ancient Ash Demon and immediately use it to upgrade this Demon. 0 reflex 2 hands 3 reflex1 hand 2 Earth Powerups 2 Fire Powerups Ancient Ash Demon 8 reflex4 hands180 EP Physical Attacks Ooze Blast: Stuns, Infects, and Tires the target. Searing Strike: Deals 30 damage, and flip a coin. If heads, deals 10 damage in a diamond that includes the target. 4 reflex 2 hands 4 reflex2 hands 1 Earth Powerup 1 Water Powerup 1 Fire Powerup 2 Earth Powerups
Specials All the “cloud” Demons can take advantage of a unique Special Attack called Corporeal Transposition, which is a fancy way of saying that it lets the Demon teleport. This teleportation doesn’t let the Demon bring along weapons, but it does let it switch places with a Demon already in play, allowing the Demons to trade weapons. Also, the Ash Demon can use its own Special Attack, Concentration Crush, to bring back an Ash Demon that was recently destroyed. There will probably never be any Special Attacks that the Essential Ash Demon can use. Dark Foresight 1 reflex 1 hand Special Attack: Any Elder Demon Left Eye: Look at the top card of either player’s deck. Right Eye: Draw a card. 1 Fire Powerup 1 reflex 0 hands 1 Powerup Concentration Crush 2 reflex 2 hands Special Attack: Ash Demon Spawn: Flip a coin. If heads, take an Ash Demon out of your Discard Pile and put it into your hand. 1 Earth Powerup 1 Fire Powerup Corporeal Transposition 1 reflex 0 hands 1 Water Powerup Special Attack: Steam, Mist, and Ash Demon Dissipate: Choose one of the slots on your hex. Move this Demon to that slot. If the slot is full, move the occupying Demon to this Demon’s original slot. Weapons and Ammo do not move with the Demons, but Special Attacks do. This Demon can’t take the place of a demon holding a weapon that requires more hands than this Demon has. If this Demon has a weapon and moves to an empty slot, the weapon is dropped.