19 Standout SBC Churches Encouragement for Evangelism
Standout Churches Defined 1.A minimum of 26 baptisms for 10 consecutive years ( ) 2.A membership to baptism ratio of no more than 20 to 1 each of these ten years 3.A minimum of 5% growth in worship attendance overall (2005 compared to 1996) Standout SBC Churches Studied 22 Southern Baptist Churches met these criteria based on data they reported through the Annual Church Profile 19 agreed to a process of one-on-one interviews with the senior pastor, key staff members, and lay leaders Interviews were conducted on-site at each church in September – October 2006 LifeWay Research studied transcripts from more than 200 interviews
Common themes among the 19 Southern Baptist churches with sustained evangelistic effectiveness Evangelistic Appeal Pastors plan a consistent evangelistic appeal in their worship services Atmosphere The churches possess an environment conducive to reaching people for Christ The tone is described as: “exciting,” “friendly,” “welcoming,” “energetic,” and “positive” The church body trusts the leadership and has embraced the evangelistic vision of the senior pastor; the people are living it by reaching out to others Intentional Outreach Pastors and staff are intentional about reaching people for Christ; across a variety of methods, there is a focus on outreach in everything they do Pastor The pastor sets the tone for the church and regards evangelism with utmost importance Each is described as: “strong leader,” “highly relational,” “passionate,” and “authentic” The pastor provides significant leadership and yet creates an empowering environment of shared leadership
Customer Analysis
# of Standout SBC Churches
Size of Standout SBC Churches Before 10 years of evangelistic effectivenessAfter 10 years of evangelistic effectiveness
Cumulative Baptisms Annual Baptism Totals
MY DECISION TODAY: ___ I’d like to talk to someone about my Faith. ___ I’m beginning a relationship with Christ. ___ I’m renewing my relationship with Christ. MY DECISION TODAY: I’m committing my life to Christ. I want to be baptized. I’m renewing my commitment to Christ. My Decision Today: I prayed to receive Christ as my personal Savior. I’m renewing my commitment to Christ.
9 named “Sunday School” “Bible Fellowship Groups” “Small Groups” 2 named “Small Groups” “Host Homes” “Home Groups” “House Churches” “Community Groups” “Bible Fellowship Classes” “Community Groups”