What we’re doing »Sabbath mornings »10:30-12:00 Discuss topic of Sabbath School lesson over breakfast »12:00ff - Lingering fellowship »During the week »Minister to one another as needs arise »Seek and cultivate new interests
Seeking new interests »Friendship evangelism »Adopting postal carrier routes near host home as a geographic mission territory »Interest cards »Bible studies »Experiment
What’s Important »Prayer »Shared methodology values »Intentional in regularly finding and cultivating new interests »Committed Core Leaders (Discussion facilitator and home hosts) »Mentoring new leaders
What’s Important »Grows by multiplying groups vs. enlarging into bigger building »Meets Sabbath morning in common Prime Time (10:30-noon) »Keep it simple - Easy to duplicate »Limited length of formal gathering »Food each week »Coaching relationship with pastor
Long Term »Multiple groups meeting Sabbath mornings »Monthly gatherings of groups within a metropolitan region (network) »Regional networks around the Conference