Intelligent Cargo in Efficient and Sustainable Global Logistics Operations Workpackage 6:Pilot demonstrators iCargo 1 st Review December /12/2012 Avenue de Beaulieu, Brussels
Objectives Task structure Timeplan Contents
Provide practical demonstrations of the Business Cases to demonstrate the technical feasibility and business advantages of new co-modal, low-carbon logistics services. Objectives
Task 6.1: Demonstrators planning and management (Logit Systems) Task 6.2: Sea-City-Air-Rail door-to-door service (IPBO) Task 6.3: Green Corridor between Sweden and the European Continent (Stora Enso, Marlo) Task 6.4: Logistics Services Providers – Shippers cooperation (DHL, Marlo) Task structure
Starting date M31 Deliverables: – D6.1: Demonstrators plans (M33) – Deliver final demo system, integrating pilot applications from T5.2 with actors systems, exploiting the iCargo infrastructure from WP4 (M36): D6.2: Sea-City-Air-Rail door-to-door service Demonstrator D6.3: Green Corridor Demonstrator D6.4: LSP – Shippers cooperation Demonstrator – D6.5: Consolidated demonstrators feedback (M42) Timeplan