© 2008 Brigham Young University–Idaho
University Policy 1-14: Employee Gifts, Parties, Receptions, and Incentives 1. Retirement gifts, Christmas gifts, and service awards are determined and procured at the university level. Budgeted funds should not be used to purchase additional gifts for these occasions. 2
© 2008 Brigham Young University–Idaho University Policy 1-14: Employee Gifts, Parties, Receptions, and Incentives 2. Retirement socials are funded at the department level. These socials should be planned and carried out by the department and should be modest in scope and cost. 3
© 2008 Brigham Young University–Idaho University Policy 1-14: Employee Gifts, Parties, Receptions, and Incentives 3. Department/College socials, paid for by university funds, may be held once or twice per year…. Such events should be modest in scope… Additional socials, if needed to enhance unity and/or build relationships, could be planned as potluck events. 4
© 2008 Brigham Young University–Idaho University Policy 1-14: Employee Gifts, Parties, Receptions, and Incentives 4. Service awards are given to employees for each five years of full-time service. To the extent possible, service awards should be presented at department /college socials. If deemed appropriate, separate luncheons/socials can be planned for this purpose. 5
© 2008 Brigham Young University–Idaho University Policy 1-14: Employee Gifts, Parties, Receptions, and Incentives 5. University funds can be used to purchase gifts and/or pay for socials that recognize extraordinary service, exceptional work, or special leaves. Such expenditures should be modest, not extravagant, and send a message of gratitude and recognition, not compensation. 6
© 2008 Brigham Young University–Idaho University Policy 1-14: Employee Gifts, Parties, Receptions, and Incentives 6. Federal tax regulations do not allow cash and cash equivalents (e.g. gift cards, gift certificates, etc.) to be given to employees or students as perks outside of the payroll system…. Nominal non-cash (tangible) gifts may be given if appropriate and in accordance with university policy. 7
© 2008 Brigham Young University–Idaho University Policy 1-14: Employee Gifts, Parties, Receptions, and Incentives 7. Celebrations held in honor of employee birthdays should be brief and modest in scope. Simple refreshments can be purchased with university funds for these occasions – although leaders may find it more appropriate and beneficial to pool personal funds and/or arrange for potluck items to be provided. 8
© 2008 Brigham Young University–Idaho University Policy 1-14: Employee Gifts, Parties, Receptions, and Incentives 8. Remembrances for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, or similar events should not be purchased with university funds. 9
© 2008 Brigham Young University–Idaho University Policy 1-14: Employee Gifts, Parties, Receptions, and Incentives 9. Institutional guidelines are already in place for acknowledging hospitalizations and deaths. Campus departments should ask for assistance from the University Relations office when these types of remembrances are needed. 10
© 2008 Brigham Young University–Idaho End of Presentation 11