IPFW Assessment Workshop Series Module 1: Creating meaningful and assessable Programmatic Student Learning Outcomes D. Kent Johnson, PhD Director of Assessment
IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University. Expected Workshop Outcomes As a result of completing today’s workshop, participants will: Evaluate current programmatic student learning outcomes. Create an assessable student learning outcome.
IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University. Developing Student Learning Outcomes A Student Learning Outcome is a statement of what you expect students to know or be able to do. At the program level, these are statements that define the attributes you expect of your program graduates.
IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University. Developing Student Learning Outcomes To get started, use Worksheet 1 to list around 5 things you expect your students to “know” (knowledge) or be able to do (skills) upon completing your major.
IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University. Setting Programmatic Expectations: Completing The Programmatic SLO Worksheet What do you expect students to know? (Knowledge) Graduates of this program will What do you expect students to be able to do? (Skills) Graduates of this program will See Worksheet 1 – Fillable.pdf in Worksheet Package
IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University. Student Learning Outcomes : Defining Expected Levels of Learning
IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University. Student Learning Outcomes : Defining Expected Levels of Learning Dee Fink (2003). Creating Significant Learning Experiences. Jossey-Bass.
IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University. Student Learning Outcomes Sample Action Verbs RememberUnderstandApplyAnalyzeEvaluateCreate RecognizeInterpretImplementCompareCheckDesign ListSummarizeCarry OutOrganizeHypothesizeConstruct DescribeInferUseDeconstructCritiquePlan IdentifyParaphraseExecuteAttributeExperimentProduce RetrieveClassifyOutlineJudgeInvent NameCompareFindTestDevise LocateExplainStructureDetectMake FindIntegrateMonitor
IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University. Sample Statement: Upon graduation, students will analyze and interpret data to produce meaningful conclusions and recommendations. Worksheet Two Writing Programmatic SLO’s List expected knowledge and skills developed in Exercise One Assign the level of learning expected at graduation using action verbs from Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001, 2013) Statement of Programmatic Student Learning Outcome Upon Completion of the program, students will be able to (action verb(s) denoting level of learning) + (object describing what students should be able to produce).
IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University. If you expect students to reach an application level by the end of a program, they might demonstrate: Student can apply a theory to (perform some action) In a management or social science course, a student might apply a theory to complete a case study (the learning product) In a science course, a student might apply a theory to set up an experiment (experiment design is the learning product) But, this level of learning might be better demonstrated in a humanities or arts major in a different way, for example Developing Student Learning Outcomes Sample SLOs
IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University. Student can judge (some product) to In a literature course a student might Judge the quality of a literary piece to produce a literary critique (written critique is the product) In music a student might Judge the quality of a musical performance to produce a critique for the arts section of a paper (newspaper critique is the learning product) Developing Student Learning Outcomes Sample SLOs (cont.)