By: Kevan Crittendon
2 Black Dragons Black dragons are evil tempered, and obsessed with The black dragon's domain is the swamp and the jungle. They are abusive, and quick to anger. The black dragon breathes a poisoned sizzling acid A black dragon can be identified by his grim, skeletal appearance. His eyes are very deep in his skull. His two great horns curve forward and down. The flesh of his face appears to have partially deteriorated, as if burnt by acid. He smells of rotting vegetation, and foul water. Black dragons dine mostly on fish, eels, and other water creatures. They will eat meat, but prefer to allow their victims float in ponds for days, or even weeks, before being eaten.
3 Red Dragons Red dragons are very greedy and obsessed with increasing their treasure hoards. Red dragons breathe a deadly fire. They live in warm habitats, such as volcanoes or tropical islands. He smells of smoke and sulfur. Red dragons are fiercely territorial. They prefer to eat meat, especially people.The best part of a meal for a red dragon is drinking the blood. A red dragon can be identified by is long wings and two long horns. He has a long, red, forked tongue. Tiny flames often linger in his nostrils when he is angry. His eyes gleam with greed when he has seen treasure.
4 Blue Dragons Blue dragons are pensive, and vain. They live in hot, dry areas, such as sandy deserts or arid steppes. Blue dragons breathe lightning. A blue dragon can be identified by his frilled ears and a single horn upon his head. His eyes are smooth, glossy, and without pupils-when looking at them. Blue dragons have the stench of dry ozone and sand. He is a carnivore who will eat snakes, lizards, and occasionally even desert plants, but truly prefers herd animals such as camels. He prefers to attack people in ambush. Surprise and distance is his greatest ally. He is good at tracking.
5 Green Dragons The green dragon is master of intrigue, politics, and backbiting. He is cruel. Instead of being overtly aggressive, he prefers to to gain power or wealth with as little effort as possible. Green dragons breathe a toxic chlorine gas. He may make his lair behind a waterfall or near a lake, pond, or stream that provides a submerged entrance. The green dragon's head is covered in hornlets. He has a long neck and legs, and resembles a brontosaurus. He is good at tracking.
6 White Dragons White dragons are small and intelligent. A white dragon can be identified by his sharp, intelligent-looking eyes and intense expression. His scales resemble feathers in places. His wide feet and sharp claws help him to walk atop snowbanks. He breathes a chilling frost. They live in frigid, icy climates in very high mountains. They prefer the solitude of snowy plains and caves, far away from the warming rays of the sun. Living in frosty climes, white dragons prefer their food to be suitably chilled. If their victims have not frozen to death already, white dragons will often pack them away in the snow until they are properly frozen. He breathes a chilling frost.
7 The History of Dragons Dragons can be traced back as far as 4000 B.C. Dragons are said to be able to live just about anywhere. - depending on the type of dragon mentioned - Their habitats range from the center of the earth to the middle of the ocean Different cultures throughout the world have different meanings and stories for the Dragon. A reason for this could be the finding of dinosaur bones. The term “dragon” in some cultures could refer to indescribable bones that where found. Dragons seem to have come from myths or stories of giant lizards or other reptiles. - Dragons could be used to describe the indescribable bones of unknown creatures
8 The different views on Dragons (East/West) Eastern-May almost seem like a completely different creature than the Western Dragon. Their anotmy, their behavior, their symbolism, and what they mean to society are very different. The East seems to value dragons for their magic and beauty. They were held with high respect from the people in the East. Dragons from the East are used in ceremonies and parades. Like the Western dragon these can be sometimes viewed as monsters. However, it is made of many different animal qualities and parts. It symbolizes heroism and not so much danger or threat. The Eastern dragon is seen as more of protector than a villain. It is a symbol of beauty and power.
9 The different views on Dragons (East/West) Cont. Western- The western Dragon however was viewed as a symbol of terror and death. Some cultures even viewed it as a sign of evil. Dragons from the West are said to breathe deadly fire and to eat people just for pleasure, They where hunted by the “hero” and where required to be slain. They where said to have sharp claws and deathly eyes. They are said to live in the desert, or even fire.
10 Video and chart on dragons