The Role of PLWHA in Universal Access to Care and Treatment by 2010 Presented by Christopher Dorsett Chair, CRN+
Background Information -HIV/AIDS was first diagnosed in According to UNAIDS, as at December, People living with HIV – 33 million -New HIV infections in 2007 – 2.7 million -Deaths due to AIDS in 2007 – 2.0 million -About 5,700 die from AIDS around the world every day -UNAIDS has reported that globally less than one person in five, at risk of HIV, has access to basic HIV Prevention Services.
The Global Commitment In 2005 at the United Nations Summit Heads of Governments, the G8 Members and other politicians around the world, made a commitment to provide Universal access to care and treatment to all those needing this service by 2010.In 2005 at the United Nations Summit Heads of Governments, the G8 Members and other politicians around the world, made a commitment to provide Universal access to care and treatment to all those needing this service by 2010.
Advantages of PLWHA Involvement PLWHA can:PLWHA can: -identify the needs of HIV/AIDS services -design and implement programmes that meet those needs -evaluate the effectiveness of such programmes This is important since the agencies of themselves may not be aware of the underlying grassroots problems.
Networking and partnering by agencies with support groups and organisations of PLWHA will allow for a sustainable, long term response to HIV and AIDS.Networking and partnering by agencies with support groups and organisations of PLWHA will allow for a sustainable, long term response to HIV and AIDS. PLWHA networks play a crucial role in building local capacity and sensitising stakeholders.PLWHA networks play a crucial role in building local capacity and sensitising stakeholders. Networks also advocate locally, regionally and internationally for the integration and reinforcement of prevention, treatment and care for HIV/AIDS and in policy directivesNetworks also advocate locally, regionally and internationally for the integration and reinforcement of prevention, treatment and care for HIV/AIDS and in policy directives Advantages of PLWHA Involvement (cont’d)
Our Commitment Our Commitment “We are committed to having our voices heard at all levels of the fight, to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on our communities especially at the political and decision making level, where it is not only important but essential to include the views of those of us who are most directly impacted by the disease.” Suzette Moses-Burton Former Chair, CRN+
Target groups to ensure Universal Access by The Policy makers 2.The general population (including persons affected by HIV and AIDS) 3.Persons living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA)
1. Our role at the Policy making level Advocate for Universal Access to become a reality. Use of Generic drugs, especially with respect to antiretroviral treatment, must be promoted. With greater accessibility of treatment to PLWHA and more efficient service to most-at-risk populationsAdvocate for Universal Access to become a reality. Use of Generic drugs, especially with respect to antiretroviral treatment, must be promoted. With greater accessibility of treatment to PLWHA and more efficient service to most-at-risk populations Advocate for proper nutritional support which is pivotal for effective treatment for PLWHA.Advocate for proper nutritional support which is pivotal for effective treatment for PLWHA. Lobby for the rights of women, young girls and for scale up of services to prevent mother to child transmissionLobby for the rights of women, young girls and for scale up of services to prevent mother to child transmission
Lobby for rights of PLWHA in the workplace and the development of national workplace policies. Demand that the health care system provide adequate services for the prevention, treatment and management of opportunistic infections. Lobby governments to allocate sufficient funding in health and social budgets to support activities towards Universal Access
2. Our role at the level of the general population Assist National AIDS Programmes and other authorities/agencies in sensitising the general public on the negative impact of stigma and discrimination on persons living with HIV and AIDS.Assist National AIDS Programmes and other authorities/agencies in sensitising the general public on the negative impact of stigma and discrimination on persons living with HIV and AIDS. Reduction in S & D more open approach to testing and treatment and care Universal access 2010
3. Our role at the level of the Community of PLWHA Remind each other that HIV is a virus not a moral condition. Encourage adherence to our medicinal regimen, nutritional regimen, exercising positive prevention and keeping a positive state of mind which is going to impact greatly on our quality of life. Mobilise PLWHA to advocate for greater access to effective treatment, care and support
Final Thought “CRN+ as the authentic voice of PLWHA in the Caribbean, recognizes the critical role that we play in ensuring Universal access to care and treatment by To this end, CRN+ has implemented several programmes in the region and has developed a cadre of knowledgeable advocates who will lead the charge and open the doors to Universal access.” Christopher Dorsett Chair, CRN+