Academic Seminar – Week 6 Lesson Plans & Formative Assessment Graphs
Agenda: Announcements Today This Week at Placement Presentations Lesson Plan Section of Work Sample Binder This Week at Placement Begin teaching Work Sample unit once approved (If you start tomorrow you have 3 weeks to complete the work sample) Bring a copy of one student’s IEP for next week’s class.
Questions about Lesson Planning? How many lessons ahead should I write and plan for? Calendar overview or outline of the unit Detailed lesson plans for 3 days at a time Should every lesson be scripted? No – you may partially script but bullets may be more easy for you to follow as you teach What do I do if I don’t finish a lesson? Go into your word document and insert a note that the lesson ran over – indicate your stopping point …. Indicate your review and closing activity Revise the next days lesson to begin with an opening activity, review etc… and pick up where the previous day’s lesson left off as appropriate Your work sample lesson plans must reflect what you have done. How often must I do a reflection? You must complete a daily reflection for every lesson taught in your work sample unit In addition, you must send your supervisor a weekly reflection
Lesson Planning Review: Evidenced based Instruction Before – During – After Reading Activities Writing Daily Lesson Objective Writing & Executing Lesson Plans Materials Model – Prompt - Check Data based Decision Making Progress monitoring with formative graphs
Lesson Plan Rubric To meet criteria, lesson plans must: ❑ correspond to steps in the unit plan sequence, ❑ begin with a correctly written lesson objective, ❑ reflect instructionally sound ideas that are clearly linked to the objective, ❑ include descriptions of modeling and prompted practice when new skills are introduced
Critical Questions How do I know if my lesson plan matches the unit objective? What are research-based instructional strategies that should be included in my lesson plans? How will I indicate those research based strategies are being used?
A. Strategies & Skills to teach students BEFORE reading Preview the passage Connect to prior knowledge Set a purpose for reading Pre-teach difficult to decode words Preteach vocabulary
Strategies to teach students During Reading Active Engagement During Reading Fast Mapping of Difficult Vocabulary Monitoring comprehension Use graphic and semantic organizers Generate questions
Strategies to teach students After Reading Discuss with others (cooperative learning) Finish K-W-L Probes! Have students write a summary Have students do a reading response
Lesson Planning IEP Goals IEP Objectives Unit Objective Sequence Step Objective Daily Lesson Plan Objective
Lesson Planning Establishing a Lesson Topic Writing a correct lesson objective Materials Routines Entrance procedure / Expectations Gaining attention Review Previous lesson Pre skills
Lesson Plan Materials To meet criteria, lesson materials must be clearly linked to lesson objectives, be age-appropriate, include a description of how the material is used (including directions to the students).
Lesson Planning Opening Gain Attention Review Prior Knowledge State the Goal
Lesson Planning Body of the Lesson Clearly Label model – prompt – check Procedures & Activities Specific Examples & Questions
Lesson Planning Remember to label the following parts of each Activity: Model “I do it!” (Teach by thinking aloud) Prompt “We do it!” (Guided Practice) Check “You do it!” (Independent Practice)
Lesson Planning Closing / Transition Review Preview Independent Work
Lesson Plan Reflections To meet criteria, lesson reflections must: ❑ be included for each lesson, ❑ address students’ response to instruction using data and criteria specified in lesson objective, ❑ indicate recommendations for instructional changes that are consistent with data, include an appraisal of own teaching skills and methods, and ❑ indicate changes to be made in future lessons when needed.
I’m cleared to teach – Now What? Work Sample Requirements Schedule a formal observation of one or more lessons Video tape one lesson for your final presentation Daily Expectations: Write a Daily Lesson Plan (model-lead-test) Collect copies of your materials & student work Administer & record daily probes Graph Each student’s data (individual form) Write a Daily Lesson Reflection (form) Adapt the next day’s Lesson Plan Weekly Expectations Weekly Interpretation of Learning Gains (Individual forms) Weekly Journal Reflection to Supervisor (attach a lesson plan and a lesson plan reflection for feedback)
Your Turn: Instructions: Look at your pre-test data, Check to make sure it matches your unit objective Your rationale should directly address performance on the pre-test Look at your objectives, Make sure they are written with a condition, behavior, criteria Work on polishing the language to make sure it’s clear and easy to read Look at your sequence steps The sequence steps should directly support learning the unit objective You should have approximately 3-5 sequence steps per unit objective Begin working on lesson plans – specify your lesson objective (condition, behavior, criteria), which may correspond directly to your sequence step Share drafts of your formative graphs from your work sample unit with your peers if you have them.