Students will be able to create a public service announcement about the violation of Human Rights using at least one multimedia program.
Analyze how the values of a nation and international organizations affect the guarantee for human needs. Consider the need to respect the rights of others, to respect others points of view. Understand how to develop and use maps and other graphic representations to display geographic issues, problems, and questions
Very energetic student Has difficulty staying on task long enough to complete an assignment, Rarely ready to begin class, continually forgets his textbook and homework. Distracted easily. When an activity interests him, he has no problem focusing, and becomes nearly impossible to pull him away. Adaptations Allowing Charlie to choice his topic with a partner so it will be of interest to him. Allowing students to work with a partner, will have someone to redirect Charlie if he does not remain on task. Broke the task into smaller steps, so that Charlie can work on one small task at a time and work up to the completion of the whole project. Gave students many options for types of media and programs they are able to use, which will help Charlie to find a project that is of interest to him. Give Charlie a timer and a certain amount of time to complete each step of the project. Set up a reward system, so that after Charlie completes one step of the project he is able to spend a few minutes playing a game.
Has Cerebral Palsy, which causes him to lack fine motor skills He uses a wheelchair to get around Uses a computer with an adapted keyboard and voice recognition software to help with his writing Speaks slowly but intelligibly, has strong strategic skills His motor difficulties make the pace of the class difficult for him at times, which causes discouragement Barely keeping up in mainstream classes because of slow reading and writing abilities Adaptations Using a screen reader in addition to his voice recognition software will allow Jamal to keep up with (or work at a closer pace to) his peers Working with a partner Provide Jamal with a print out of the tasks, so that he can move at a comfortable pace More in class time Various means of representation Various means of engagement
Relates well to her peers, respects her teachers, and adores sports Long-term struggles with academics Kamla has been identified as a “slow reader” because of decoding deficits Struggles with fluency in both reading and writing Enjoys reading about sports because she is interested and because there is no time limit Appears disengaged from learning Her ability to persist and understand the need for hard work is only evident during basketball Adaptations Screen Reader Various means of expression – use alternative assignments/tasks More in class time Various means of representation Various means of engagement Positioning system – close to teacher during modeling and instruction Partner work Electronic/talking dictionary/thesaurus, spelling & grammar checker Assignments are broken into smaller tasks – via blog 5 Ws H Organizer
Worksheets - KWL - 5W’s - Cause/Effect Pen/Pencil Computer, Printer, Internet Access (all students will have access for project in class)
Motivation: Discussion & Video Response to video (blog “L” section) Activate Prior Knowledge (KWL graphic organizers)
Video Video Newsletter Newsletter Rap Rap
Web Quest Web Quest