A IMS OF THE UNIT Describe instructional indicators and strategies for classroom organization and elivery on instruction. JSP
INTRODUCTION TO CLIL LESSON PLANNING Specific needs: First language Educational background Literacy levels Living situation Culture Socioeconomic status Expectations Life experiences JSP
SHELTERED INSTRUCTION p?id_video=vkxzo27wv5dea9ev Listen and take notes (15 min.) JSP
SHELTERED INSTRUCTION Providing meaningful instruction in content areas for transitioning Limited English Proficient students (LEP) to higher academic achievement while reaching English fluency. The content is equal to that of native English speakers Varied methods of instruction Does not focus entirely on language development, but on methods through which English is achieved. JSP
STRATEGIES Set format of instruction Define clearly language and content Make the activity meaningful Classroom concepts: Hands-on Controlled vocabulary Scaffolding Authentic assessment Heterogeneous grouping JSP
SHELTERED INSTRUCTION PROTOCOL Model for lesson planning Means for making content more accessible Promoting English language development Practice of highlighting key language features and incorporating strategies Developed by the Centre for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence (CREDE) JSP
CREDE’S PHILOSOPHY All children can learn Children learn best when challenged by high standards English proficiency is attainable by everybody Bilingual proficiency is desirable Language and cultural diversity Teaching and learning must accomodate individuals Schools can mitigate risk factors by teaching social and learning skills Solutions to risk factors must be grounded in a valid general theory of development, teaching and schooling processes. JSP
TYPES OF SHELTERED PROGRAMMEES Content-based ESL: focus on language development. Sheltered instruction: focus on content curricula. JSP
THE EIGHT STEPS Lesson preparation Clearly define content objectives Clearly define language objectives Building background Student’s experience Old and new Key vocabulary Comprehensible input Speaking Step by step Variety of techniques Strategy learning Strategies Explicit instruction Use Scaffolding techniques Social-affective strategies Cooperative learning: think – pair – share Affective filter (Krashen) JSP
THE EIGHT STEPS Interaction Frequent Grouping Time Clarification Practice / Application Hands-on materials Activities for applying knowledge Language skills integrated Lesson delivery Support content objectives Support language objectives Engage students Appropriate timing Review/ Assessment Vocabulary: mnemonics Content word wall Content concepts Feedback Student comprehension and learning JSP
TEACHING READING PROCESS Survey Question Predict Read Respond Summarize JSP
EXAMPLES Material-for-CLIL-Classes-Spain JSP
Task: Design a lesson planning according to the techniques presented during the lesson. Use the websites for help. vocatoria&id=27&edicion=2CAS01- ANGLB&clave=1b73a2394c1d12d0c49de e23 JSP