An Introduction to Using Systems Thinking and STELLA in the Classroom Presented by: Mark Clemente National Institute of Aerospace
Resources for this presentation
What is a system? “A system is an interconnected set of elements that is coherently organized in a way that achieves something” Donella H. Meadows, Thinking in Systems: A Primer (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008) 11 “A system is an interconnected set of elements that is coherently organized in a way that achieves something” Donella H. Meadows, Thinking in Systems: A Primer (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008) 11
Examples of Systems Digestive Forest Community Examples of Systems elements, interconnected, function - Digestive system (teeth, enzymes, stomach, intestines) - Forest (plants & trees, animals, sunlight, water) - Community (people, spaces, resources) (Slinky - structure determines behavior) Digestive Forest Community
Magic Spring Toy (aka Slinky™)
A bathtub is a simple system Bathtubs A bathtub is a simple system (Half full bath tub bar chart) A bathtub is a simple system
Bathtub System Draining (Bathtub with faucet off and drain on) 1: 30 1 1 1: 15 1 (Bathtub with faucet off and drain on) (Line chart of draining process) 1 1: 0.00 7.50 15.00 22.50 30.00 Minutes 11:46 AM Fri, Feb 20, 2009 Water in bathtub Draining
Understanding Behavior Over Time 1: Bathtub 1: 26 1: 25 1 1 1 1 (Half full bathtub with faucet on and drain on) (Line graph of water half full) Dynamic Equilibrium 1: 24 0.00 7.50 15.00 22.50 30.00 Minutes 11:34 AM Fri, Feb 20, 2009 Water in bathtub Dynamic Equilibrium
Modeling Systems with STELLA
Stocks & Flows The bathtub is a stock The bathtub is a stock (Picture of stock) The bathtub is a stock
The faucet and the drain are flows Stocks & Flows The faucet and drain are flows (Picture of stock and flows) The faucet and the drain are flows
Same thing, different units Other Stocks & Flows Here are some other types of stocks and flows (Money in bank account) (C02 In Atmosphere) (Self Esteem in teenager) Same thing, different units! Same thing, different units
Feedback Loops Balancing Loop
Balancing Loops 1: Population 1: 450 1 1 1: 250 1 1 1: 50 0.00 15.00 30.00 45.00 60.00 Time
Applying Systems Thinking in the Classroom Non-software-based Software-based Use Systems Thinking Stock & flow Mapping Use Model-based Concepts Materials
Earth Systems Science & STELLA An example: GLOBE Carbon Cycle Program Bringing cutting edge research & techniques into the classroom STELLA models that use input data collected by students and researchers Focus on using technology & modeling to give students an understanding of local and global carbon cycles