Numerical simulations of the SN driven ISM Axel Brandenburg (NORDITA, Copenhagen, Denmark) Boris Gudiksen (Stockholm Observatory, Sweden) Graeme Sarson (University of Newcastle, UK) (University of Newcastle, UK) Tony Mee (University of Newcastle, UK) (NBIAfG, University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Åke Nordlund Anvar Shukurov
Sarson et al: ISM2 SN driven Turbulence Korpi et al (1999)
Sarson et al: ISM3 Recent ISM Models
Sarson et al: ISM4 Equations – 1 Continuity equation (for natural log of density) Momentum equation (for velocity)
Sarson et al: ISM5 Equations - 2 Energy equation (for energy density e ) Induction equation (for Magnetic vector potential A )
Sarson et al: ISM6 Computational Domain Rectangular box:
Sarson et al: ISM7 Boundary Conditions Periodic in y Sliding periodic in x (i.e. r) Closed in z (preliminary model)
Sarson et al: ISM8 Numerical Methods Third-order Hyman scheme for time stepping Sixth-order compact scheme for spatial derivatives Shock-capturing viscosity in convergence areas: Hyperviscosity to stabilize advection and waves:
Sarson et al: ISM9 The Model - 1 Stratified, sheared gas layer in external gravitational field Initial hydrostatic equilibrium,
Sarson et al: ISM10 The Model – 2 Gas components à la Katia Ferrière – H 2 : (warm + hot) HI + HII. Initial magnetic field,
Sarson et al: ISM11 The Model – 3 Shear due to overall differential rotation, UV heating (cf. Wolfire et al. 1995),
Sarson et al: ISM12 Motions driven by supernovae explosions – SNe Type I
Sarson et al: ISM13 Motions driven by supernovae explosions – SNe Type II
Sarson et al: ISM14 Oooh, pretty picture….
Sarson et al: ISM15 Oooh Pretty Picture
Sarson et al: ISM16 Varying Density
Sarson et al: ISM17 Mean Distributions
Sarson et al: ISM18 SN II Rates
Sarson et al: ISM19 Gaussian Scale Heights
Sarson et al: ISM20 Varying Column Density
Sarson et al: ISM21 Varying B
Sarson et al: ISM22 Varying Magnetic Field Strength
Sarson et al: ISM23 Conclusions The large-scale structure of the solution is reasonable. The SN implementation produces plausible, self-consistent results. More analysis is required. Is field-generation possible? Will investigate cosmic ray dynamics.
Sarson et al: ISM24 THE END
Sarson et al: ISM25 Solar Density
Sarson et al: ISM26 Weak B Field
Sarson et al: ISM27 The ISM