Roman Cloze Review Sanika, Aneesha, Rachel
The Temple of F_______ V_______ has ionic orders and is pseudo__________. V_____ : extremely or strictly n___________. The H____ of a Roman p_________ displays this. Mt. V_______ erupted in __ CE. The A_____ of the House of V____ houses an i________, or a rectangular box that collects r___ w____, in the center of the r_____. There are __ types of Pompeian Wet F_____ Paintings. The __ styles are I_________, Architectural, O_____ and I_______. FortunaVirilis peripteral Verism Naturalistic Head Patrician Vesuvius79 AtriumVettii Impluvium rain water room 4Fresco 4Incrustation Ornate Intricate
A______ of P_________ features a small figure otherwise known as C____. This figure represents D_____ L______ of A________. The C______ of Augustus is symbolic of m_______ s_______. Uncanny similarities are recognized between Augustus of Primaporta and D__________ from the k____ down. The Cuirass is a type of a____. Made of B_____. The cuirass is a form of p________ promoting Augustus’s power through scenes of military successes and gods giving power. The M_____ C_____ from France is like Fortuna Virilis but has C__________, P_______________ and engaged columns.. AugustusPrimaporta Cupid Divine Lineage Augustus Bronze Cuirass Military Strength Doryphoros Knees armor propaganda MaisonCarree Corinthian Pseudoperipteral
The column of T_____ stands at ___’ tall. This column depicts narratives of two successful T_____ c_______ against the D______. The Arch of T_____ advertises the successes of e_______; it depicts J______ giving T_____ his lightning bolt on the a____. H_____ differed from A_______ of P_________ in that Hadrian had a beard influenced by P______, signifying the movement away from i_______. The P________ was built as a temple for a__ g___; this structure is o____ at the top, and this ____ is called O_____. Trajan 128 Campaigns Dacions Emperors Jupiter attic HadrianAugustus Primaporta Pericles Idealism Pantheonallgods open called Oculus
C__________________ was made the capital of the Roman Empire. The _____ of _____________ was made during this time period. The two arches before this time period were the Arch of Titus and Trajan’s Arch. The F______ of T_______ was a form of propaganda; it features m__________ from the reign of Hadrian. B_________ style inspired c_______ built from 6 th to 15 th century, providing a place to w_______. Constantinople ArchConstantine Forum Trajan Medallions Basilican Churches worship