What information of product be there for customer and administrator For customer Name of the product Detail description of product Price of the product Photos of product Additional information Weight and cost of shipping No. of items in stock Search engine friendly name
For administrator Reference or ID number Stock keeping unit reference All customer relevant detail
DataDescription IDA reference number for the framework to reference the product NameThe name of the product Search Engine Friendly Name A search engine friendly name for the product to be displayed in URLs. DescriptionA detailed description of the product SKUA stock keeping reference (usually supplier's reference, or for integration with stock keeping systems) PriceThe cost of the product StockThe number of these products which are currently in stock Primary ImageAn image of the product Additional ImagesA number of additional images which are displayed as thumbnails and then toggled into the place of the main page
DataDescription IDA reference number for the framework to reference the category NameThe name of the category DescriptionA detail description of the category Search Engine Friendly Name A search engine friendly name for the product to be displayed in URLs. ImageMay be an image of category
Before structuring contents, we need to identify common data We can create abstract content type Integrate additional functionality to common contents without duplication of code ▪ Various versions of contents ▪ Access permissions ▪ Commenting on content, pages, or products ▪ Rating pages, products or contents ▪ Like or share contents on facebook, twitter etc
It includes the followings: Pages Contents Versioning
Pages Are essential content and need common format DataDescription IDA reference for the framework to refer to the pages NameThe name of the page Search Engine Friendly Name A search engine friendly name for the page to be used in URLs HeadingA page heading, generally something we would store within an tag TitleA title of the page (displayed within the tags of the page) ContentThe content for the page KeywordsMetadata for the page—keywords DescriptionMetadata for the page—description
Contents Pages and categories may have shared fields Products required additional and different data DataDescription IDA reference for the framework to refer to the content NameThe name of the content entity Search Engine Friendly Name A search engine friendly name for the content, for use within URLs ContentThe content itself, for example page, product details, and category description TypeThe type of content this content entry is (for example page, product, category, and so on)
Contents DataDescription OrderThe order of the content within a group, for example pages in a menu ParentThe parent element for this entity, useful to indicate subproducts and subpages Meta keywordsMetadata (keywords) for this content entity Meta descriptionMetadata (description) for this content entity Date createdThe date the content entity was created CreatorThe user who created the content ActiveIf the content is active (publicly visible) or not SecureIf the content requires the user to log in to see it (doesn't take into account fie-grained permissions)
Versioning A particular form of something different in few aspects Allow rollback to previous versions/settings Maintain record of previous versions DataDescription IDThe order of the content within a group, for example pages in a menu Current VersionThe parent element for this entity, useful to indicate subproducts and subpages
After knowing structure we need to decide: How we will store our data? How we will manage and access data within framework? We need a set of tables in a databse DBMS or File Management System We need some techniques/tools so framework can contact to data SQL, functions or others
We need the following tables w.r.t. our structuring contents Contents, Versions, Content Types, Products and Revision History Content Table To store references to the active version of content Information of content that doesn't change with each version ▪ Like author info Things that can change without affecting the version ▪ Active, inactive
Version Table Store actual content of version One record of each version Content Type Table Store type of content like page, category, product etc. Products Relevant information to products Revision History Versioning history of each content type Allow to rollback to previous version
FieldsFields TypeDescription IdInt (Primary Key, Auto Increment) A reference to framework for content entity Current_ revision IntRefer to current version of content type ActiveBooleanActive or inactive to show user SecureBooleanSecure or insecure to show either logged in user or not ParentIntA reference to its parent content type OrderIntA reference to the order of the content type to build sitemap or menus AuthorIntWho created the first version of content type TypeIntA reference to type of content this entity is PathVarcharSearch engine friendly path for the content CreatedTiemstampWhen the entity is created
FieldsFields TypeDescription IdInt (Primary Key, Auto Increment) A reference to framework for content type used in other content table ReferenceVarcharMachine friendly reference string for content type NameVarcharA user friendly name of content type
FieldsFields TypeDescription IdInt (Primary Key, Auto Increment) A reference to framework for different versions of a content NameVarcharName of content TitleVarcharPage title for the content HeadingVarcharHeading for the page ContentLongtextActual HTML text for the content visible to user MetakyewordsVarcharMetadata keywords Metadescriptio n VarcharDescription of metadata fields MetarobotsVarcharA predefined list to have metarorobots or ENUM field AuthorIntegerA reference to author who created content Timestamp Time & date version created
FieldsFields TypeDescription IdInt (Primary Key, Auto Increment) A reference to entry in product table Current_versionIntTies product data to content version table SKUVarcharThe stock keeping unit reference for the product ImageVarcharA reference to primary image path of product WeightIntWeight of product FeatureBooleanif featured products then show in featured list
Content versions table will be used as for categories table Categories themselves don't need to extend the data held within the content versions