What are the 5 types of Prayers 1. Prayer of Thanksgiving 2. Prayer of Intercession 3. Prayer of Blessing and Adoration 4. Prayer of Petition 5. Prayer of Praise
Prayer of Thanksgiving Thanking and being appreciative of the gifts God gives us (life, family, friends, food, clothing, shelter)
Prayer of Intercession Prayer on behalf of others Can bring great strength and courage
Prayer of Blessing and Adoration Includes terms like “ God bless..” Offers blessings expresses our wonder at and awe of the all-powerful God blessing of meals. Persons. objects, and places adoration-acknowledgement that we are creatures, paying homage to God, our creator Example Glory be to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Prayer of Petition Most familiar form of prayer Asking God for something that we believe is good ( for ourselves and others) Be aware of your own needs as well as others God may not give exactly what you wish but what you need asking for help and guidance
Prayer of Praise Praise and honour God for all the wonder and creation acclaim and give glory to God- not for any gift or favor, but simply because God is
Mass Prayers Using Prayer cards provided complete the Prayers of Mass activity Decide which type(s) of prayer each example is- support your answer